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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cindy-Chen

  1. Gee, Moho, you didn't seem to notice that Heksu and MM - I mean Blue-Sky double posted as guys!
  2. 8883. There are 8882 replies, but we're on number 8883. Cool!
  4. Liar! You LOVE cheese! I'm not in Algebra in 7th grade.
  5. DC or DCW?

    DC: My crazy friend wouldn't stop talking about it, so she showed me an episode. After a few months, I realized DC wasn't as bad as I thought.

    DCW: Its Wiki.

  6. DC or DCW?

    DC: My crazy friend wouldn't stop talking about it, so she showed me an episode. After a few months, I realized DC wasn't as bad as I thought.

    DCW: Its Wiki.

  7. :)

    It's true, we all have to improve ourselves to become the best we can be. :)

  8. :)

    It's true, we all have to improve ourselves to become the best we can be. :)

  9. It's great, though. Because we all love DC!!

  10. It's great, though. Because we all love DC!!

  11. :D

    That's great! And I love to read people's fanfics here, they're great! :)

  12. :D

    That's great! And I love to read people's fanfics here, they're great! :)

  13. I didn't finish that, please ignore it! ^_^"


    I just read your 16 AyuCon stories.....THEY WERE AWESOME.

    I loved the last one, how you wrote "and still I write this to warn you, the next time we meet...I will be the one to turn away." WAAAHHHH!!! So freaking good!! ...I wish I could write like that.

  14. I didn't finish that, please ignore it! ^_^"


    I just read your 16 AyuCon stories.....THEY WERE AWESOME.

    I loved the last one, how you wrote "and still I write this to warn you, the next time we meet...I will be the one to turn away." WAAAHHHH!!! So freaking good!! ...I wish I could write like that.

  15. Hey~!

    I just read your 16 AyuCon stories.....THEY WERE AWESOME.

    I loved the last one, how you wrote "and still I write this to warn you, the next time we meet...I wish I could write like that.

  16. Hey~!

    I just read your 16 AyuCon stories.....THEY WERE AWESOME.

    I loved the last one, how you wrote "and still I write this to warn you, the next time we meet...I wish I could write like that.

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