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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cindy-Chen

  1. 104!!! Wow, no boys replying...XD
  2. Well, this is kind of awkward...I'm pretty sure you commented on my profile, but I didn't see it. D:

    I'm really sorry.

    I'm just guessing, but you said..."Hi! How are you?"?????

    If you didn't.....:P

    I'm going to answer my prediction of your question: I'm good. You?

    I feel like an idiot. :(

  3. Well, this is kind of awkward...I'm pretty sure you commented on my profile, but I didn't see it. D:

    I'm really sorry.

    I'm just guessing, but you said..."Hi! How are you?"?????

    If you didn't.....:P

    I'm going to answer my prediction of your question: I'm good. You?

    I feel like an idiot. :(

  4. Liar. You got expelled. (JK) I'm not doing homework right now.
  5. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm winning.
  6. Liar. You like Detective Conan World. I HATE candy and chocolate.
  7. TheBO'slocationislocated@gmail.com IamwatchingDC@yahoo.com
  8. Actually all of you guys are losing. I'M WINNING!!
  9. Cindy-Chen

    Depression Club

    I'm sorry Mia!!! Don't worry, we'll always be your friend here on DCW, no matter how new you are to a town! We'll definately be your friends!! RIGHT EVERYONE???!!! *glares threateningly*
  10. Cindy-Chen

    Depression Club

    I'm sorry Mia!!! Don't worry, we'll always be your friend here on DCW, no matter how new you are to a town! We'll definately be your friends!! RIGHT EVERYONE???!!! *glares threateningly*
  11. Happy Birthday!

    BTW, write on other members' pages to talk to them, for instance, click on Cindy-Chen, and scroll down under Friends, and then write in the white box

  12. BTW, write on other member's pages to talk to them. For instance, click on my page, Cindy-Chen, and scroll under Friends and then write in the white box

  13. Hey hey~!


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