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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cindy-Chen

  1. Great! Anything interesting happen?

  2. Great! Anything interesting happen?

  3. You're going to have to get used to it, it double possts every time, including on forums, double topics, I double post while responding to status updates, and I also double post MY own status updates.

  4. You're going to have to get used to it, it double possts every time, including on forums, double topics, I double post while responding to status updates, and I also double post MY own status updates.

  5. Cindy-Chen

    Depression Club

    @Koizumi Akako: I know exactly how you're feeling, I think I have like, 2 friends in my previously described class...
  6. Oh by the way, sorry for double posts, my computer's pretty screwed up.

  7. Oh by the way, sorry for double posts, my computer's pretty screwed up.

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