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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Lovestruck

  1. Of course ladies are first. We're awesome. /end. And EZZIE YOU'RE THE AWESOMEST PERSON ON EARTHHH <333333333
  2. No, you get out of my way.
  3. Winner says: get out of my way. ~
  4. Whether you bet or not I still win.
  5. That still doesn't make you a winner.
  6. I was thinking of saying such a thing. IDEAS THEIF D: < What's wrong with twilight, anyways?
  7. Of course, of course. :V
  8. Ahhhhh.. That's tough. Both. Coffee or Tea?
  9. Gummyyyyyyy. Forever Alone or Never Alone?
  10. I would probably stare at him like an idiot wondering whether I should go to him or not. And deciding not to at the end. What would you do if you've got the chance to kill someone you really do hate?
  11. And again you took my sunglasses. D:<
  12. I'm talking about winning. Oh yes I am.
  13. Let me make this easier for you. You are never going to win. Get it? Like never.
  14. Naw. D: ME WINS. LE END.
  15. Sure, as long as I win ~!
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