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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Lovestruck

  1. Ah someone call A doctor now!!


    It's k if I'll b able 2 talk 2 ya it's k for the ":P" face espically when I'm happy like now (:

  2. Said 2 U it's a secret

    Or as kklt-chan say:- hi-mi-tsu~

    "a secret makes women a women" by vermouth and me xP

  3. I'm bac! Watched the file 3

  4. Missed ya kklt-chan!

    I miss the ":P" face ur the only one who can do it well !*and increase my blood pressure xP*

  5. Omg my kaitou is just so funny as ways these magic files /magic kaito should b fun! Of course my no.1 character is there

    Hey m.m kun don't spoil for me k?

  6. Ur D only one Online

    In my friendZ list XD

  7. I like the emotions XD Very nice (:
  8. Very kool!!!!!!woah sugai! Well... Very nice couple
  9. @vi graython I wonder too! @ailoveconan Very kawaiiiiiiii! Kyaaa
  10. Wow! Nice!!!!! Good job (: Like Ai sooo much ! (:
  11. Very talented! But if u really watch the last movie ( Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2) U,ll find that she end with Ron ! Srry 2 Spoil..*^ I saved the pic in my iPhone I like 1 & 3!! 100/100
  12. Ikr? Also if i complete the magic files I'll b able to watch all myself;yourself ep and find a new anime YAYyyyyy


    Best summer EVA!

  13. Btw..

    Mommy traveling today!, daddy playing cards with his friends outside my small twin sisters sleeping,my big bro is in the cafe with his friends ( I hate his friends) and my other big bro is busy with the collage studieZ!!

    Yay I'm free !!! F.r.e.e.d.o.m yaHhh !!

    Now I'll watch the magic files as I like let me get the potato chips packet...

  14. Oh patrouns is charmy-chan?

    Just realized

  15. Who,s patrouns?

    Oh R u okay???? *gives water*

    Not that wat I mean.. But I just want ur opinion .. Cuz U knw no u don't um just forget it (:

  16. *face turn red*

    I asked this alot...


    I want U 2 B honest..

    Am I bothering U.?

    Bcuz if I was tell me..

    So i avoid being like that in future

  17. @m-m kun Yah... Very very long time XP I quit drawing (: Bcuz I don't hav faith in myself XO It's not my thing (:
  18. Hey m-m kun? Can I ask U a Q and U don't lie 2 me? *worried innocently*

  19. Check my new topic,post etc

  20. Hey there, Random-person-viewing this, Gonna be updated soon, Stay Tuned <3
  21. its ( ai chan or ai san )

    ah after noon already?

    its evening and i just wake up xP

  22. Me too...^^(:

    Nice 2 meet ya!!~

  23. Hiya,And noprob I describe things the way I C XP

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