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Detective Conan World

Mia Ehru

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Everything posted by Mia Ehru

  1. ... if you want.. PM ok..? don't want to pressure you. I'm here for you.

  2. tired..? That's.. horrible.. *hugs tightly* natsumi-chan.. if you want to talk i'll be listening to you.. okay..? *smiles sadly*

  3. What's wrong..? What happened..??*hugs tightly*

  4. ^^'' not that much *smiles shyly* hmm! ^^ *surprise hugs back* i'll be back in a while about 15 min or so.. in case i'm not back on time good night ^^ *hugs tightly* ne vedem :)

  5. hehe ^^ surprised? my best friend back in my hometown was romanian so she taught me a few expressions and talked with her like this ^^

  6. sorry.. gotta go for a while.. noapte buna, take care.. pa ^^

  7. it took a bit longer but here I am again.. *hugs*

  8. okay ^^ just give me 2 minutes and I'll be right here..

  9. *nods slighlty* even more..!!

  10. ... I understand.. because.. I'm exactly in the same situation as you're.. my grades have dropped drastically as well.. *smiles sadly* we just musn't surrender, ne?

  11. *doesn't let go* so.. where've you been all this long? you might've been busy..

  12. *smiles sadly* thank you.. sorry.. let me just hug you.. *hugs tightly*

  13. *smiles shyly and hugs back* didn't know anymore when you'd be back.. I just can't believe you're here..!! <33

  14. Great thread indeed.. So.. I was listening to this song and thought it could be posted in here. Mumford & Sons is a folk-rock group from Brighton, South England. Although they're pretty well-known around their area, few people know about them internationally. I've been listening to them for about a year so far. Love them.. Hope you'll give a try to some of their songs. Here's one, not one of their hits, but in my opinion still worth listening to. Might like it, might not. Enjoy..
  15. *sighs* Somehow didn't see your message.. Glad you're doing fine. ^^

  16. natsumi-chan.. minri-chan.. *hesitates* natsumi-chan ^^ *smiles* Just has to be it.. So how've you been? missed you..

  17. :) natsu.. wait ^^'' what should I call you now..? minri-chan?
  18. Dear anonymous 1, You're not worthless, you're wonderful. And you do have someone to talk to.. Even if I'm not always able to talk with you, please remember I'll always be there for you. Signed, Mia or most likely, your 'sis'. Dear anonymous 2, Remember when I told you I sometimes rather close my eyes and not open them ever again..? This.. is how I feel right now. But you're gone.. Signed, Mia..
  19. and thanks for the add as well.. ^^

  20. Wondering why a broken heart really does hurt..
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhl93rqpO0g One of my favourite themes..
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