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Mia Ehru

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Everything posted by Mia Ehru

  1. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    I see.. *sighs* don't quite know what to say.. how's your day..? any better?
  2. oh.. well.. take care sis.. tmrrw i'll try to get here earlier.. gn? i guess ^^

  3. don't tell me.. you're gone.. *sighs*

  4. yay! ^^ <333 how're you?

  5. sis..??? tell me i finally caught you on time!!

  6. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Hope your test goes well.. and thanks, I feel a bit better today..and i'm also recovering from a cold little by little. And about your leg.. does it always hurt? in my case it's both of my shoulders' joints.. *smiles sadly* hope your pain (of both your life and leg) fades away as well.. and i'm also having a few free days on the same week..!
  7. I happened to see this and wanted to say something.. I believe.. he or she means working a bit more on the info stated in the ''See also'' entrance below the chart. Not modifying the notes of the chart, but adding some other countries' info pages besides the 5 countries given on the ''See also'' list: France, Spain, Italy, Germany and the Arabic World.. Guess it could be done.. Hope I didn't misunderstand, just thought that's what he or she really meant..
  8. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Got you.. It should still be fine even so.. How're you feeling now..?
  9. I see.. hope it goes well then.. :)

  10. Mia Ehru

    Spanish Chatroom

    El eco.. *echo.. echo* and.. ..I'd answer your doubts guys.. yet don't know if that'd be bothersome.. it's not like this is a Spanish class after all..
  11. Hate people who just play around instead of loving truly..
  12. Hi.. morning..! never talked to you before and felt like giving it a try.. so.. how're you?

  13. sis.. <3 can't really seem to get to talk to you.. miss you a lot.. and you better make sure to take care ^^ *smiles*

  14. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    *smiles sadly and hugs* thank you so much for saying that.. Whatever happened to you hope it goes well then.. KKLT.. (and if you need telling someone.. do so.. at least don't keep it to yourself if you're able to..) Shouted at you just 'cause of that..? I believe I'd be pleased if someone accidentally said an answer.. no need to shout.. still.. *hugs* remember.. you're not really alone *smiles*
  15. sorry if i took long to answer you back.. i was taking a shower to calm down..

  16. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    *nods slightly* Guess so.. and.. hope your exam went well
  17. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Right.. *smiles sadly* It's ok for you to ask, dw. I can't deny I've had a hard time this year.. and I feel usually sad and lonely, yet.. I'm ok and hope to be able to smile someday again.
  18. Mia Ehru

    Spanish Chatroom

    A Spanish Chatroom !! I was kinda looking forward to see someone create one.. yet I realised not to much people are or speak Spanish.. So glad to know you're learning.. Btw.. I'm Spanish.. so there I go ~ (enough English for now ).. ¡Me alegro tanto de poder escuchar algo de español por aquí..! Estoy encantada de que sea mi lengua materna.. y estoy totalmente dispuesta a escucharos hablar.. (se me hace raro hablar así aquí.. ) (P.D.: me podéis preguntar cualquier cosa..) Will be willing to listen to you..!!
  19. Mia Ehru

    Depression Club

    Glad you had a better day.. *smiles* People can get to be like that sometimes. Seems like they've got nothing else to talk about.. yet as you say it's just normal to fail sometime and it's tough to hear ppl criticising you for that. They should cut it out sooner or later. Hopefully, soon.. Take care.. And Rose.. *hugs her* Never.. think that way. Whatever people tell you.. being strong isn't something easy too achieve.. and it's just not something someone should tell you to become. By trying, by failing, by being sensitive and weak.. you might gain the strengh to face life.. Being strong is part of learning to live. And if anyone is expecting you not to cry or not be yourself then let me say.. they don't know either what living is.. both little pieces of happiness and sufferment. Just.. be yourself.. people should love you.. for all that you're.. *smiles*
  20. Made it. Somehow. Wait.. *realises*..i've made it~~!! Felt like I'd drive crazy for the first two minutes.. but then got used to it somehow. *Listens to a rock song desperately .. Starts singing* Ohohohohoho~~.. Wait.. that just now weren't the lyrics..
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