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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by vawli

  1. I am glad that made you happy.

  2. You know I don't mind because I was getting tired just sat well as you were.

  3. That is what I wanted to do.

  4. Welcome to DCW! Hope you like it here!

  5. It's fine. I just wanted to reply.

  6. I am fine. Almost new year!

  7. Well thats good that you like it here. So how r u?

  8. Maybe because it is annoying.

  9. The new Sherlock Holmes Movie was awesome!

    1. conankawaii
    2. vawli


      @Wildheart: It depends on the person. I liked it because you see Holmes facing off against Professor Moriarty.

    3. vawli


      It was really good but too bad they got a bad review.

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  10. Oh and why would you want people spamming your wall???

  11. because that is what i wanted to do.

  12. Oh and why would you want people spamming your wall???

  13. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Kid!

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