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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by vawli

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. vawli

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday,Happy Happy Hey, Hope you have a very nice day!

  4. Hey just wondering... how do you get reputation?

  5. Well in Canada it's 5:00 pm.

  6. Sorry, just saw your reply. Well now I am back! Aren't you tired it's arround 11:00 in Denmark!

  7. One more question before I go why did you sign in anonymously?

  8. For what? for the advice!!!

  9. Oh I thought you were off line but I jus figured out that you signed in anonymously.*hits head*

  10. I am fine. I tried to catch you so many times today but I keep missing you. By like an hour!

  11. Wow!It is so good! I can't believe it's your first time!
  12. Totally forgot. Happy Birthday Kid!
  13. Thank you so much!

  14. vawli

    Aeyra's art thread

    Wow! That's so cool!
  15. When do you think Heji is going to realize that Kazuha likes him?

    1. CoolKid94


      I think it'll be somewhere near the end, as Gosho has practically made it clear that the two will end up together.

    2. Aeyra


      @Wild-chan: It just depends. If Sera proves to be a worthy suitor, her, or Gosho can make a new character that suits Heiji.

    3. Wildheart888


      xPP Sera?? xDD

      But ur right about him able to make another character...but it's very unlikely. x)

    4. Show next comments  279 more
  16. 168 made me cry because Roberts comment to Misa, she commited suicide.
  17. It's the first time I have see so many detectives cooperate and I like how conan says:" I found the treasure. I know your secret. Meet me at the entrance.From the 7th detective."
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