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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by KaitoKuroba

  1. Do you like shooting games?

  2. :P I don't like to study but I still do...
  3. I like your youtube site! :D

  4. Whats everyone's favorite DC character? I know its really hard to pick because there is so many good ones. No wait...GREAT ONES! :3 But if you could pick one you would meet in person out of all of them, who would it be?

    1. KaitoKuroba
    2. kfnnapa


      According to your name we should be talking to you for those specs. (So what are the specs on that hang glider of yours.) But yes you could come.

    3. KaitoKuroba


      Yea! I could be a decoy!

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  5. True...Very True..So how are you?XD

  6. True..Very true! XD So How are you?

  7. Because TokyoPop is shuting down. But I'm not sure why..

  8. Why did you hate it? Whats so bad about 6th grade?

  9. Good! What about you? :D

  10. Oh yea? Well I'll just use my bankai! BANNNNNNN~KAIIIIIIII!!!!!!XD :3

  11. Did you finish the exams yet?

  12. You take French? Are you in 7th grade?

  13. Oops sorry :( So what do you want to talk about?

  14. Thanks! ^^ So hows school for you(or did I ask you that already?)

  15. Yea but isn't Tokyo Pop closing? Cause if it is, then Fruit Basket will be gone soon.

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