The fact that I can't is what makes her an awesome character, .
Haibara has been shown to be more than just one thing. I mean, for example, if I say "smart", then I fail to represent her entire situation with the Black Organization (you'd need several words for this alone), her great attachment to her deceased sister, her pleasantly sarcastic attitude towards (yet overall appreciation of and trust in) Conan, her almost motherly treatment of the Detective Boys (and even Agasa, xD), her occasionally shown interests in fashion (slightly random, but makes her seem normal beneath her BO-induced personality)... The list goes on. Her awesomeness is made by the fact that there's so many different aspects to her personality - so much depth to her character - that you'd need pages and pages of writing to completely capture her. This is especially interesting because it's contrary to most other DC characters, who are very lacking in depth. I mean, give me two words each and I'll pretty much manage a description of most other characters that they won't contradict more than once in fifty cases, especially since there's usually some general cliché in popular culture upon which they're based.
*sigh* I am a Haibara fanboy...