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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Akechi

  1. I tried really hard to find the Kindaichi Case Files anime after watching Detective School Q, which is also by Seimaru Amagi/Tadashi Agi, since I don't like reading manga that much, but I rather gave up on it after a while since I can't seem to find it anywhere online.

  2. xD, alright. See you later, :P.

  3. That's the third time, now, xD. I feel really welcome.

  4. I'm fine, :).

    I think you already welcomed me, though. Thanks, anyway, :P.

  5. I completely forgot to respond yesterday! Sorry.

    My favourite episode would probably be the first two and a half hour BO episode, which was 345, if I remember correctly. It was fantastic, if only for the fact that you couldn't tell who anyone was.

    What would your favourite episode be?

  6. Well, with "almost" being around 30 episodes behind, still. Just finished episode 596.

  7. Well, I'm almost finished up to the most recent episode. Then I can do things other than watching DC, :D!

  8. Nothing much. Except watching DC. I can't believe how inactive I am on here. The only reason I'm here now is because the TV is occupied. Watching Detective Conan is too much fun - it prevents me from wasting time doing anything else...

  9. You're just like Shinichi, then, :P.

  10. Or you could just use what Vermouth uses, ;).

  11. Yeah. DC is so unbelievably long. I wouldn't be surprised if we're still watching it when we're twice our current age.

  12. That's surprising! I thought most people on here would be older than me. DC's older than both of us, then, xD.

  13. You're new too, huh? Let's both have fun here.

  14. Thank you. I will, :).

  15. Yep, it is a tribute to Mouri Akechi. I guess it was more obvious to people on here than I realized.

  16. Thanks for welcoming me on my profile, :D.

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