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Everything posted by Akechi

  1. This opening is fantastic, . Miles ahead of Don't Wanna Lie. If it weren't for the insulting lack of Haibara (6 seconds with the Detective Boys doesn't cut it), it would be one of my favourites.
  2. Akechi


    Old technology is magically replaced by new technology in DC, don't you know? If Detective Conan continues through 2050, and it likely will, then we'll have Kogoro's cheap rental cars replaced by awesome-looking hovercars without anyone giving it a second thought.
  3. I have a sort of love-hate relationship with his character. Early on, I found him awesome beyond measure. Around Movie 3, he was a cooler character for me than Conan. Then, he became repetetive. Every single Kid episode was exactly the same. Warning followed by lame magic trick followed by Conan saves the treasure but Kid escapes. Soon, my favourite thing about him was that he often got hit in the face by Conan's football. Right now, I rather like him because the Magic Kaito episodes are actually entertaining and are a breath of fresh air when compared to his usual DC antics. He's definitely overrated, though. People seem to think he's the best character ever even though he's little more than comic relief. I'd like to see his serious face once in a while.
  4. Akechi

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    Hey, Gosho's even made ConAyumi moments (which I, hypocritically enough, find rather cute, xD - very creepy as a pairing, though, ). That doesn't mean Conan will or should fall in love with her. And while I suppose Haibara wouldn't be mentally deranged to like Mitsuhiko once they're adults, it would still be exceedingly odd. I mean, most of the time, it seems more like Conan and Haibara are "parenting" the Detective Boys, in a sense. That's all subjective, though, I guess, so we can't really argue about that.
  5. Akechi

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    I was being sarcastic and implying that MitAi is about as sensible as AgaRan, which most would consider ridiculous (though I suspect you already got that, ). I find this frightening because I don't like the thought of Haibara being a psycopath (which is generally required of any eighteen-year-old who is romantically interested in a seven-year-old, xD).
  6. Akechi

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    Not that I care too much for pairings, but this one is slightly frightening. Why not pair Ran with Agasa Hakase while you're at it, ?
  7. I'm not sure what your problem is. The format provided by DCTP is .mkv, is it not? I thought that was compatible with WMP. If it isn't, you should just download VLC media player (or something else - lots of free media players out there), which is free and, I'm quite certain, compatible with .mkv.
  8. Shinichi comes to mind. Yes, I'm serious. For the most part, Shinichi can be so arrogant and annoying. I'm beyond glad that he has to live as Edogawa Conan because it teaches him to be humble. Even though I hate it when Kogoro throws him out the room, Sonoko makes fun of him, Genta calls him his apprentice and the Detective Boys take credit for everything he does, after seeing the first episode a few times, it's quite clear to me that Shinichi needs to be put in his place. Now, even though he's pretty awesome the few times he does reappear as Shinichi, that's just because he's learning not to take everything for granted. You can see this easily when, even though Shinichi is said to have been a show-off more than once, the first time he turns back, he tells Hattori that it doesn't matter who the better detective is and that finding the truth is all that matters. This shows that he's actually learning something as Conan. Also, there's simply the fact that Conan handles everything from Shinichi's character, especially his arrogance and negative qualities, better. I mean, all the snide comments look adorable coming from Conan and yet, from Shinichi, they just seem immature. I honestly wish that Shinichi has to stay as Conan forever, lest his arrogance as the renowned high school detective return. Oh, boy, I just declared my hate for the most popular character in the series. *puts up shield*
  9. That's the third time, now, xD. I feel really welcome.

  10. I'm fine, :).

    I think you already welcomed me, though. Thanks, anyway, :P.

  11. I haven't even tried the English version so I can't really say, but part of the reason I watch DC is for its Japanese-ness. I love all the confusing riddles involving differing pronunciations and the like which couldn't possibly appear in the dub. In addition, dubs have the annoying habit of completely killing all the cultural references, which ruins a fairly important part of DC for me.
  12. Akechi


    Agreed. It makes for a better catchphrase than "shinjitsu ha itsumo hitotsu", though I suppose we can't have have him going "ah-le-le" at the start of every movie.
  13. Anything other than coworkers is too scandalous for DC. We can't have an abusive father or a creepy lover with a 20 years age difference in a series where some of the main protagonists are seven years old.
  14. I completely forgot to respond yesterday! Sorry.

    My favourite episode would probably be the first two and a half hour BO episode, which was 345, if I remember correctly. It was fantastic, if only for the fact that you couldn't tell who anyone was.

    What would your favourite episode be?

  15. Well, with "almost" being around 30 episodes behind, still. Just finished episode 596.

  16. Well, I'm almost finished up to the most recent episode. Then I can do things other than watching DC, :D!

  17. Nothing much. Except watching DC. I can't believe how inactive I am on here. The only reason I'm here now is because the TV is occupied. Watching Detective Conan is too much fun - it prevents me from wasting time doing anything else...

  18. I can't believe that not even 10% of Detective Conan fans like Edogawa Conan. Would you guys prefer Detective Shinichi, ?
  19. I'm really not sure. I'm all but sure that he isn't Bourbon since he looks evil and I doubt he's a completely new character who isn't associated with any previous characters since that wouldn't be interesting, but, at the same time, since everyone seems to think he's Akai, he almost certainly isn't. Some CIA agent or such infiltrating the organization seems likely since he has the scent, but I hope that Gosho Aoyama can come with a more surprising explanation.
  20. Looks like my introductory thread has been invaded, ! xD, well, thanks for welcoming me, everyone. I can't individually respond to your posts since I'm clueless as to which ones are directed towards me, but hopefully I can get to know you all better as I post more on the forums, .
  21. I believe that would be episodes 222-224, "And Then There Were No Mermaids".
  22. You're just like Shinichi, then, :P.

  23. Thanks a lot. I can't believe that I didn't remember that Heiji was in it.
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