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Detective Conan World

Kuroba Taro

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Everything posted by Kuroba Taro

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Movie 15 will be shown in cinema!!!!!!!!!!OMGOMGO-M-G!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wildheart888


      x( I don't think they show anime stuff in theaters here.....<_<

    3. Kuroba Taro

      Kuroba Taro

      In China they do, sometimes xD :P veryyy lucky lol

    4. AiSuigetsu
  2. I learn piano flute nd guitar nd sketch (;´Д`A Nd thnx for the correct

  3. Waiting for the Pottermore welcome letter

    1. Berumotto
    2. Kuroba Taro
    3. Wildheart888


      Hmm...my friend got in....she sounded really excited...but I still dunno what it is...O.o

  4. 我可能明年搬家到加拿大 (^_−)−☆

  5. Not much, wbu? Nd seems everyone here can speak a little Chinese :o

  6. All the school teach English at China ♪(v^_^)v

  7. No I just go to normal school at China :P But maybe I'll go to Canada next year

  8. Good night world! Goin to sleeping (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

  9. Not much, considering to go take a shower nd go to sleep lol♪( ´▽`) wbu?

  10. Thnx, u too ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

  11. Yep Im an AiCon :DD But I feel kinda AllAi xD( means I also like Gin/Ai, Kaito/Ai, Mitsuhiko/Ai nd Syuici/Ai) Lol Nd I think maybe the traslate will come out in December? Not sure My friend told me xD
  12. Yep Im an AiCon :DD But I feel kinda AllAi xD( means I also like Gin/Ai, Kaito/Ai, Mitsuhiko/Ai nd Syuici/Ai) Lol Nd I think maybe the traslate will come out in December? Not sure My friend told me xD
  13. I hate homework =_______,=

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kuroba Taro

      Kuroba Taro

      Awww so lucky T____T I have a bunch of (;´Д`A

    3. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      Homework = Torture XD It's a good thing I'm in college now XD

    4. Kuroba Taro
  14. Wow cool!!! Ur not Chinese right? JW
  15. Yep thnx~ so u know Chinese?
  16. Never heard about that So du u guys watch any other mangas?
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