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Everything posted by AJ M.
I think the only way a DC quiz will work without a live podcast is if the host announces the date and time of the quiz first, and then when the time comes, 50 questions or so will be posted. The only way contestants can submit their answers is by PMing the host. There should also be a deadline, like one day after the quiz is posted for example. Then when the host tallies up the scores, the contestant with the most correct answers will win, but in an event of a tie, the contestant who submitted their answers first will be deemed the champion. Some questions can be as straightforward as what is Inspector Megure's given name? while other questions like what manga file showcased that it was Agasa's birthday? would require much more thinking or researching. That way, the quiz can be more challenging and can even act as a scavenger hunt since contestants are essentially exploring the DCW wiki or other DC resources. So cheating by looking at the wiki doesn't even matter anymore. Cheating by sharing answers is a whole different story, though a stupid one at that (what's the point of sharing answers if there's only one winner?) Just throwing the idea out there for bored DC fans like myself. I personally think it would be fun.
Another DC fandub featuring Misaki and I again! Watch it. Don't watch it. Whatever. But here it is: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/3769-fandub-o/page__view__findpost__p__272531
Now that I think of it, Conan said he could've sworn he counted the number of CARS right, which would suggest that he passed through more than one car when getting from the car SA was seen in to Car 7. So SA's room could be 5B or 4B as well. I'll edit some stuff in my post later.
Now that Chekhov has posted her terrific solution of the case, I would like to focus more on the different rooms and movements of important characters. There honestly has been little to no discussion about whose room is whose, so I will try my best to elaborate on it. Basically, I will say what room fits best with what character and why. But I will warn you, it will be difficult to follow what I'm saying if you don't know what's going on. NOTE: When I say something like 821.12.8, I'm referring to FILE#.PAGE#.PANEL# Scar Akai's Room: <7B In File 818, the Detective Boys try to chase down the "pretend culprit" by heading away from Car 7 (towards a Car # that is less than 7). After realizing that the Deduction Quiz hasn't started yet, Conan heads back towards Car 7 while Haibara sees Scar Akai exiting the second room from the back, (818.13.6 & 818.14.1). Therefore, Scar Akai's room is <7B. The room is most likely not 6B since Conan didn't feel like he miscounted the number of CARS (818.15.5), which would suggest that he passed through more than one car when getting from the car SA was seen in to Car 7. So SA's room could be 5B, 4B, or 3B as well. Okiya & Mysterious Lady's Room: 6E In File 820 after Conan tells the DB, Ran, and Sonoko to stay in their room (820.3.7 & 820.4.1), they follow Conan's order and head towards Car 7. However, it gets a little tricky on the next page because we do not know whether the gang is in Car 7 or Car 6, nor do we know if they're heading towards Ran and Sonoko's room in 7B or the DB's room in 6D (820.5). I will assume they are in Car 6 for now and I will explain why later. So after Scar Akai passes the gang by walking towards Car 7, we see Amuro talking with Ran outside of Room 6E (820.6). Since we see Okiya peeking behind the door, we can assume that Okiya and the mysterious woman's room is 6E. But why 6E and not 7E you ask? If the gang were in Car 7 while talking to Amuro, that means Scar Akai would be heading towards Car 8. That wouldn't make sense because Conan, Sera, and Kogoro are still investigating the case in Car 8. So it's safe to assume that the gang is heading towards the DB's room in 6D (there is a contradiction about this that I will explain later) and that Okiya and the mysterious woman's room is 6E. Amuro's Room: 7A In File 821 after Conan appears to have solved the case in Car 8, Sera heads towards Car 6 to confirm things with the DB (821.14.2). In Panels 4 and 5, we can assume that Sera is running through Car 7 since Kogoro and Conan are no longer seen behind her. As Sera passes through the corridor, we can see Amuro peeking out of either Room 7A or 7B, but it's obviously not 7B since that would be Ran & Sonoko's "new" room (previously Murobashi's room before the switch-up). Therefore, Amuro's room is 7A. Random Man's Room: <7C In File 819, the DB try to inform the conductor (that was seen in the same car as Scar Akai) about the missing Car 7. After he tells them that they are mistaken, the light signal and bell above Room C go off and a man with glasses and a moustache (maybe a person in disguise?) is seen opening the door (819.3.6). So like Scar Akai, the random man is staying in a Car # that is less than 7, or in other words, Room <7C. As for the man's identity, I would like to speculate that he is Yusaku in disguise (which would confirm the speculation that Yukiko is the mysterious woman in disguise), but the man is probably not significant in the plot at all. Just in case he turns out to be an important character later on, I wanted to toss around the idea. Other Justifications -In File 821 before Sera enters Car 6 to confirm things with the DB, Scar Akai and the mysterious woman pass by each other in Car 6 (821.15). By looking at the positions where they were standing in Panel 1, it justifies that Scar Akai exited his room and that the woman exited her room before they crossed paths (assuming that Scar Akai's room is 6B). -In both 820.6 and 821.15, Scar Akai is seen walking towards Car 7. This not only justifies that his room is <7B, but it also justifies that Amuro's room is 7A (if we assume that Amuro's room is where Scar Akai intended to go to both times). A Gosho Mistake? In File 821, the Detective Boys, Agasa, Ran, and Sonoko are in what should have been Room 6D (since Conan specifically ordered the DB to "return to your room with Ran"). However, after Haibara receives a text message from Vermouth and exits the room, Ran goes after Haibara and during which, we are able to see the "B" emblem outside the door (821.6.7). But wait, isn't the DB's room supposed to be 6D? The snacks from before behind Agasa are still inside the room (821.5.5), so did Gosho make a mistake? The room that they're in cannot be 7B for many reasons. Like I mentioned before, the gang was hanging out in the Car 6 corridor when they first saw Amuro because it wouldn't make sense if Scar Akai was heading towards Car 8 when there was an investigation occuring (that's why it makes sense that Scar Akai was actually heading towards Amuro's room in 7A). Additionally, after Haibara saw Okiya opening the door that led from one car to another (821.9), she entered through the door, so it would only make sense that she went from Car 6 to Car 7, not from Car 7 to Car 8, because the investigation in Car 8 was still going on. Therefore, the gang was actually in Room 6B in File 821, which totally contradicts several things that I have noted. That's why I think it's possible that Gosho had made a huge mistake and had forgotten that the DB's room is 6D instead of 6B. CHEK, I NEED YOUR TAKE ON ALL OF THIS Looks good and logical to me. Scar Akai's room could be lower than 6B, but chances are he would want to be close to everyone else, so 6B isn't a bad guess. Today's mod power abuse is brought to you by Chekhov EDIT: I changed Scar Akai's room from 6B to <7B and the random man's room from 6C to <7C (the number of cars the DB ran through wasn't ever clarified).
Episode 651 is the new reigning champion for funniest episode.
First, I think this should be under the "Bourbon" topic. Second, that is a funny crack theory you have there. :mrgreen: (Wait, that wasn't a crack theory? )
If Gosho drew the "E" emblem outside of the door, then the mirror trick would be revealed. But logic-wise, it is indeed strange. If Yukiko is the mysterious lady, I think she said something more along the lines of "long time no see, old friend." It's effective enough to get a reaction out of Vermouth, but it's subtle enough to ensure Vermouth that her cover is not fully blown yet.
Nice deduction so far! I just have a couple of things that I want to confirm. The only way I can imagine a mirror the size of a door fitting inside Andou's luggage case is if the mirror can be folded in half. So does that mean the mirror was behind the painting when Mouri checked his luggage or was the mirror thrown out of a window? Also, is there a possibility that Andou used the "glass with a black background" trick for a mirror? It makes sense that Murobashi was ordered via phone call from the culprit (this culprit being Andou) to hold a gun with a silencer. The culprit's gun (this culprit being Hiroka) was most likely thrown out a window. But if neither shot was triggered by Murobashi, then wouldn't investigators notice the lack of gun powder residue on Murobashi's hands? (I wish we new the heading of the sofa gunshot) It's also possible that Murobashi was asked to shoot at the sofa in front of him, and afterwards, Hiroka shot him while he was distracted. That would also explain why the gun with the silencer was in Murobashi's hands in the first place and how gun residue got on him.
That doesn't mean she can't send one to Haibara later on though, no?
Just for the hell of it, I'll post my theory about Fusae Campbell here as well. Note: This theory was made after the File 820 spoilers were out. But after seeing the duo-necklace worn by the mysterious woman in File 821, the hunch in my head about the ginkgo leaf necklace being a fluke turned out to be true... HOWEVER, that does not rule Fusae Campbell out of the question (although her chances of being the mysterious woman in Files 820 and 821 are much slimmer). After having yet another run through of the chapters, I decided to think of three different hypothetical situations in which Fusae, Yukiko, and Jodie play the role of the mysterious woman who has been assisting Okiya. I will also describe the pros and cons of each situation. SITUATION #1: Fusae as the Mysterious Woman Fusae and her stepfather/driver Billy were initially Akai's assistants who helped him retrieve a picture of Haibara. Utilizing this picture, Akai was able to see the striking resemblance between Haibara and former B.O. scientist, Shiho. After this short-lived mission under Akai's order, Fusae and Billy return to their normal lives for several months. It is not until Akai has another predicament that Fusae is needed of assistance again. She helps with Akai's disguise as Okiya (and possibly helps set up his fake death). Fusae visits from time to time in order to facilitate Akai's needs or to collaborate with him about future endeavors. Now that Okiya knows that Haibara will be attending the Mystery Train (upon seeing the video with Shiho in it), he got a boarding pass and brought along Fusae as well. Pros: -If the mysterious woman assisting Akai from Files 418 and 419 is Fusae, then the speculation that Fusae is also the mysterious woman in Files 820 and 821 would be a consistent follow-up. -Major plot-holes from long ago would finally come to a close. Cons: -It would be a long-shot of a twist by Gosho. -Fusae's last appearance was about 410 files ago (about half of the amount of files we have today!). -There is no legitimate reason for Fusae's involvement with Akai (speculation that Fusae is a relative of Akai remains a possibility). -If we assume Scar Akai is Vermouth in File 821, Fusae would not have anything significant to say to her besides "I know your secret" or "you seem like a whole different person to me" as they pass each other in the hallway. SITUATION #2: Yukiko as the Mysterious Woman Yukiko decided to check the condition of her home and realized that Okiya was living there. Okiya probably explained the whole situation to her (the fake death, his alias, and so on), and due to Yukiko's habit of taking on any role without her son's acknowledgement, she decided to become Okiya's apprentice. With Yukiko's disguising abilities, she would be able to perfect Akai's disguise as Okiya. Now that they have an alliance established, they both board the Mystery Train to disclose certain things. Pros: -It wouldn't be a surprise that there would be evidence of Yukiko being in the house recently. -It also wouldn't be a surprise that Yukiko played the role of a "mysterious woman" given that she has done this several times before. -Yukiko is a professional disguiser who is able to create the Okiya alias for Akai. -If we assume Scar Akai is Vermouth in File 821, Yukiko would tell her something along the lines of "hello there, my old friend" as they pass each other in the hallway. Cons: -When Okiya was first seen, he didn't have a place to live; it wasn't until Conan offered him to live in the Kudo residence that Okiya found a home, so there would really be no reason for Yukiko to assist him with anything (since Okiya already made his disguise). If Yukiko met with Akai before the alias Okiya was even made, why wouldn't she have offered Akai to live in her house then? For what other reason would she need to assist Akai other than to disguise him? In short, the collaboration between the two should have only been a one-time ordeal. -Yukiko as the mysterious woman would be too predictable and repetitive. -WHERE IS YUSAKU THROUGHOUT THIS WHOLE RENDEZVOUS?! SITUATION #3: Jodie as the Mysterious Woman After Jodie bumps into Okiya in File 581 (the red T-shirt case), she has a hunch that she knows the person. She asks herself: "Is this the man that sent me the warning message? Is he the real Akai?" After Akai (as Okiya) realizes that the B.O. has confirmed his death (after Scar Akai tested the reactions of other FBI agents), he tells Jodie everything about the fake death and what he intends to do in the future. As a result, Jodie frequently collaborates with Akai in the Kudo residence (hence, the evidence of a woman being in the house). Now that they know the B.O. will be boarding the Mystery Train, they also receive train passes and will try to diffuse the situation there. Pros: -It supports the fact that we do not see Jodie as often. -It would be a great plot twist by Gosho because before, he made it seem like Vermouth was Jodie in disguise, but now he makes it seem like Vermouth is the mysterious woman when in reality, it would now be Jodie "disguising" as Vermouth "disguising" as the mysterious woman (if that makes sense). -When we see Jodie in Files 779 and 780 (deduction battle between Heiji and Conan), she doesn't seem to be upset about Akai's death nor does ponder about Scar Akai anymore (perhaps because Okiya told her everything). -It makes sense that Okiya would ask Jodie to assist him. After all, they are fellow FBI agents, Akai would want to comfort Jodie by substantiating that he is still alive, and she would be of good use on the Mystery Train. -If we assume Scar Akai is Vermouth in File 821, Jodie would tell her something along the lines of "I know that face" or "you can't fool me this time" as they pass each other in the hallway. Cons: -There is still a pretty good chance that Jodie doesn't know Akai is still alive. -Jodie's phone from Files 779 and 780 is different from that of the mysterious woman. Added: SITUATION #4: Might as well do Kir as well: Kir had already planned with Akai ahead of time the fake death at Raiha Falls, so it's possible that they were still meeting with each other. Kir manages to sneak away from the organization and enters the Kudo residence to consult with Okiya. Now that they have an alliance built up, they plan a way to track down Bourbon and Vermouth on the Mystery train to diffuse the situation there and protect everyone aboard. Pros: -We rarely see Kir anymore, so it's not a surprise that she might be meeting up with Okiya. -Since it appears she has blonde hair as the mysterious woman, it supports the fact that Sera found a hair from a wig in Kudo's house. -If we assume Scar Akai is Vermouth in File 821, Kir would tell her something along the lines of "you can't deceive me with that face" as they pass each other in the hallway. Cons: -It would be extremely hard for her to meet up with Okiya with Gin all up on her a**. -We don't what she has been doing, so Kir being the mysterious woman is a long shot. EDITED: With all of the pros and cons for each situation in mind, here are the probabilities for the true identity of the mysterious woman (in my opinion): 40% Yukiko 30% Jodie 15% Fusae (not too confident anymore...) 10% Kir 5% Other ADDED NOTE: I'm also speculating that it was the mysterious woman who sent the message (supposedly sent by Vermouth) to Haibara. The woman's phone IS SEEN in her File 820 appearance. Just another hunch though.
[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 818-824 (Mystery Train)
AJ M. replied to Black Demon's topic in Manga series
Thank you everyone for your compliments! -
[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 818-824 (Mystery Train)
AJ M. replied to Black Demon's topic in Manga series
The purpose of this topic is to show our appreciation for the DCTP Staff who have sacrificed so much for the whole DC community. Note: DO NOT speak anything negative about Funimation and DO NOT discuss illegal methods of fansubbing and watching DC! Only show your gratitude for the DCTP Staff! Here is the official statement from Jd about the matter:
And..... Here's the new fandub! :mrgreen: Might as well post the video's description as well: My intent for this fandub is to entertain, not to be compared with the original Japanese episode (I'm well aware that the japanese voices are much more appropriate for DC). And I would like to thank Misaki for being the voice actor for Ran! ENJOY!
Episode 88-90: Dracula's Villa Murder Case
[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 818-824 (Mystery Train)
AJ M. replied to Black Demon's topic in Manga series
Makes the most sense? No... Anokata has been enforcing Shiho's capture ever since her escape. If he really wanted to protect her, then he could've called off the pursuit of Shiho. Why would he not want the rest of the BO to know of his plan if he is in fact "the boss" who is capable of making orders to the rest of the members? He has superiority over all of them (hence, Gin and Vermouth obeying him). And saying Agasa really has done nothing to prove he isn't Anokata is like me saying Agasa has done nothing to prove that he IS Anokata.
The episode when we find out that Genta's dad ISN'T the murderer. It was JUST SO TOUCHING!
"Anokata Agasa" has allowed Haibara/Shiho, an escaped key scientist of the Black Organization, to live in his house for several months. He would've had her captured by now...
[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 818-824 (Mystery Train)
AJ M. replied to Black Demon's topic in Manga series