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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AJ M.

  1. It's funny how slow each day can be, yet it seems like the years pass by much more quickly.

    1. detective-db


      Amazing! Nice quote. :D

  2. Level 6 code in my signature. It's a pretty fun code to crack. ;)

  3. I like. I like a lot. :mrgreen: +1
  4. Nice job. Again. :P *thinks of harder code to decipher*

  5. Since someone FINALLY cracked the previous code, I made a new one in my signature (if you dare to solve it). :3

    1. Henry Gordan

      Henry Gordan

      Here is code to you

      1-52-8-9 12-4-22-0 5-4-1 46-0-7-76 5-0-56 3-5-22 76-4-36 3-7-0 42-0-5-8-4-36-9

  6. Well it's about time someone solved the next riddle. Nice job and welcome to DCW! :)

  7. Sorry about that... PM is ready now. :)

  8. Great idea. So do we just jump in and start the challenge or what? If so, then might as well begin. Day 1: I started watching Detective Conan in 2004 (as Case Closed on Cartoon Network), then transitioned to subs in 2007. Episode 1 with the rollercoaster murder was the first case I saw. And I started reading the manga two years ago (after finishing all of the episodes up to date, that is).
  9. Happy birthday BD-kun!

  10. Welcome to DCW! Have a great time here. :mrgreen:
  11. I think the greatest misconception about this topic is the term "greatest". There is "greatest" as in to the highest degree, then there is "greatest" as in most favorited. Sorry Kaitou Kid fans but Kid DOES NOT have the criminal-esque heart that a BO member has. He has the tricks and tactics to commit crimes but not the heart or the motive to be considered the greatest criminal in DC.
  12. AJ M.

    Secret Santa

    I hope you don't think Secret Santa only works with pairs. Example: Person 1 will have person 2, person 2 will have person 3, person 3 will have person 4, person 4 will have person 5, and person 5 will have person 1 (5 is an odd number and it works out well). So there will be a whole chain of people that will participate.
  13. Well if the site's brief synopsis is authentic, then Movie 16 needs to EXCEED our expectations since we've already witnessed a soccer/baseball/tennis bomb case (all of which required Conan's deciphering of a code/hint). I beg of you screenwriters, don't disappoint us!
  14. Well, I'm not in the mood to discuss about something that isn't worth debating over since I already said: doesn't mean you are "any less of a fan than anyone else", let alone an untrue DC fan. So, what else is there to say? Anyways, to go back OT, I think one of the newer AO's, episode 634 "The Crime Scene is a Very Narrow Shop", was terrible. Both the whodunit and howdunit were WAY too predictable for my taste. I'm sure there are far worse episodes that I can't remember right now (since the forgettable ones tend to be the bad ones).
  15. Hahahaha, I really like this drawing Wild-chan! :mrgreen: (even if it appears that Inuyasha is only a few inches taller than Conan )
  16. Please don't take what I said two and a half months ago personal. I was just explaining to someone that a true (as in dedicated) Detective Conan fan would go out of his or her way and take a grasp at anything Conan. Just because an AO is not a "Gosho original" doesn't mean that it isn't worth watching; thus, I recommend people like you to watch all AO's for the hell of it so you all don't miss out on a great episode (one that wasn't given a chance). Like I've always said, it's better to regret something you did do than to regret something you didn't do. And if you DO NOT take my recommendation into consideration, then that still doesn't mean you are "any less of a fan than anyone else", let alone an untrue DC fan. You are rather a true Gosho-original DC fan.
  17. Random OT Fact: I just realized that April 14, 2012 is EXACTLY 100 years after the Titanic hit an iceberg, then sunk later that night. Just thought I'd share this with you guys. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to Conan's reactions to a case about his favorite passtime. I'm just praying that it's not another "bomb in a stadium" case.
  18. AJ M.

    Hello :D

    Welcome to DCW! :mrgreen:
  19. AJ M.

    Secret Santa

    Wishlist: -Heiji related -Preferably a Christmas drawing -Something funny or silly
  20. AJ M.

    Nice to meet you too. :)

  21. AJ M.

    Secret Santa

    Well if it's a drawing, I think two weeks is enough. We could move the submission due date to November 30 or something, but hey, I'm not the person in charge of this.
  22. AJ M.

    Secret Santa

    For all you busy bees, you have SIX weeks to prepare your gifts, starting today. The two weeks before Christmas is the due date for submission, not the start day of the Secret Santa.
  23. The love story between Heiji and Kazuha is merely identical to that of Shinichi and Ran, so that doesn't really say anything. (Both Shinichi and Heiji's ignorance towards Ran and Kazuha, respectively, is love in disguise; they just have trouble admitting it) But yes, I agree that if Shinichi had to choose between cease being a detective or losing Ran, he would most definitely choose the girl. I would explain, myself, all of the instances where Shinichi showed interest in science, but I'll just leave that to Kyuu.
  24. I bet you $50 that Kyuu will go off on you for making that statement.
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