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Status Updates posted by Kim-Chan

  1. Ehehe, my school didn't offer teaching string instruments, even though I did want to try violin D;

    I still love my flute <3

    As for piano, I never had actual lessons ^^;

    Piano and Flute music is similar and all I had to do was learn the notes and WAZAM. I can play piano :D

  2. That's great!

    But I only know piano &flute

    My friend attempted to teach my violin but then she moved away Dx

  3. Guess who's been working there butt off learning songs off the piano?

    1. Cindy-Chen
    2. Aeyra


      Whatcha playing?

    3. Kim-Chan


      Learning Ventus's Theme from Kingdom Hearts &Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement

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  4. Has not been online lately SORRRY >.<

  5. I just cut my hair, i chopped off quite a lot. Can't wait to see everyone's shocked reactions at school tomorrow. BWAHAHA.

    1. dw5chaosfan


      Well my dad cut off a bit more hair than I wanted, but I guess it isn't as bad as yours.

    2. Kim-Chan


      Yeah I had my hair up to about a little above my waist, I cut it up to a little less than my chin :P

  6. How I love that I don't have school because of Professional Development Day. Sorry for the teacher though~

  7. I think I prefer the piano, but the violin is still really awesome.

  8. I love both of those instruments :D

  9. Oh, I only play for fun, I'm still pretty new to the piano. But I've been playing flute for about 2 years now.

  10. Yes, my piano keyboard :)

  11. Love how Halloween fanart inspiration hits me NOW. I finish the sketch just gotta outline. *sigh* Looks like I'm too late now though XD

  12. You know, I've put up with it for a long time now but this is just plain racism. Two girls in my band class are extremely rude. And very stereo-typical of asians. I'm sick and tired of it and I feel like I'm being bullied. I hope I didn't make the wrong choice by snapping at them a little today. Honestly, there's probably nothing that could piss me off more than racism.

    1. Kim-Chan


      Ahaha, I remember that song ^_^;

      Still I'm just really annoyed by racism.

    2. AJ M.

      AJ M.

      Makes me wonder what you'd think of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNuyDZevKrU

    3. Kim-Chan


      I remember that video >___>

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  13. So happy, I mastered the very beginning of Moonlight Sonata, the easiest part, for the rest... :l

    1. Wildheart888
    2. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      Moonlight Sonata is actually my favourite episode too..gld to find some company :)

    3. Detective Rohit
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. Hiya, I'm doing well, been practicing my keyboard a lot. And you? :D

  15. Yes, I've heard of it, why?

  16. God or not I'm Buddhist :D

  17. Sure, sure, you can just keep thinking that ^__^ jk :P

  18. As much as my mom is an observant person, it's not due to observation, you kind ajust get used to it. The facial expressions are different. Sorta.

  19. Well you are normal :V

    And we don't like THAT similar, my mom can distinguish the difference between each type. Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, &Chinese

  20. No you don't, you look normal. You actually look like my friend Yosh. But he moved last year :V

  21. My thoughts? I don't know, I still see you the same way I did before. Just now I have a more mature image of you, since you're older :P

  22. I lost my folder with ALL my drawings from this year in it ;___;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      Oh...sorry I missundertsod

    3. AiSuigetsu


      maybe its in ur room? (lol that's where i lose and find all my stuff :P)

    4. hopes


      That SUCKS. D:

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  23. Listening to classical music while drawing makes my drawings so much more...classy lookin' :L

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