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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kim-Chan

  1. You.people.are.too.smart.for.a.7th.grader.like.me. Since my riddles are too easy anyone else want to give a riddle? XP
  2. You guys must be geniuses or something, got all of them right! @Vick-Valentine I got that riddle from a friend 2 years ago so I might've remembered incorrectly. ^^; And I repeated a riddle, whoops. 4.) should have been 'What lives in the corner yet travels the world?' Though I guess you won't have trouble with that if you figured the other ones out
  3. Oh I have a couple riddle for you guys~! 1.)What's a hundred feet in the air and back on the ground? 2.)What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days? 3.)When you went into the woods you got me. You hated me yet you wanted to find me. You went home with me cause you couldn't find me What was it? 4.)Tear one off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I? 5.)Tear one off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I?
  4. *Is ashamed she has not updated in a few days* Sorry~! Got a little lazy and my dad nagged me to the point where I finished my summer packet in about 10 minutes ^^; Anyway, here is Haibara-san~! No hands again sadly, since I tend to see Ai-chan in this pose I used it. Mistakes in this one is that her head is rather large ^^; and her eyes aren't as angler. And yes I drew her with a smile, cause' she ADORABLE when she smiles~!! Anyway, I'll let your imagination roam on why she's smiling but I intended it to be that she's remembering the precious memory of her sister Akemi :*
  5. Kim-Chan

    D.N. Angel

    *Squeeee* DN Angel ~!! I love this thing Satoshi is my favorite character, then Dai-chan, because Dai-chan is so adorable *glomps* As for the twins I like em' both. Riku is strong, sweet, and more independent. At first I didn't Risa, but throughout the series she's developed and changed. Ever she started liking Dark, she changed slowly. When the manga started it seemed that Risa merely was some other usual Dark fangirl but she actually does love him. She even said she'd love him despite the fact he might be a monster. Anyway, Risa the girl who was jealous Riku and wanted to get a better boyfriend than her just because of cheat size, became the girl who is now much more mature, considerable, and sweet. As far as couples go. I pretty much like all of them ^^; Daisuke x Sato is probably the only few yaoi couples I've ever enjoyed. Lots of scence in the manga can prove my point *smirk* Daisuke x Riku is really cute. I can see they do have feelings for each others. But the only thing I'm kinda stressed about on this couple is that Riku like the cute and clusmy Niwa. But Daisuke is actually a skilled phantom thief, and pretty different to the person Riku thinks of him as. So I really hope that Riku can accept Daisuke. Otherwise their relationship is kind of a lie Risa x Dark seems to be at a good level, it's no longer 1 sided. Both sides have feelings for one another. Risa x Argentine (I hope I spelled that right) Is hilarious. Well that should cover everything I wanted to say
  6. 1.) Detective Conan ( I really hope I don't need to explain this .. ) 2.) DN Angel (Lovable characters and just plain awesome~! Oh, and the manga is better than the anime) 3.) Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles ( Mind-blowing awesomeness in the ending. The whole this is spectacular, wonderful plot twist) 4.) Fruits Basket (I have a soft spot for this one, my first anime/manga ever) 5.) Pokemon/PocketMonsters SPE ( Thousand times better than the anime. Much darker and better chracters by FAR) I usually watch the anime first then the manga so I can enjoy both so I don't read many until I finish the naime first.(because we all know the manga tends to be much better and I usually start disliking the anime after I read it ^^U) Err, some other favorites: Cardcaptor Sakura Skip Beat Inuyasha Kaichou wa Maid-sama Magic Kaito Ranma 1/2 Kobato xxxHolic
  7. Kim-Chan

    Ranma 1/2

    Ranma is hilarious
  8. You guys are DC and TRC fans? I love you. XDD But the ending never confused me ._. Anyway I loved this series to death when I read it, mind-blowing masterpiece. Love CLAMP.
  9. I just remembered that I had a dream I saw Genta at the train station and he took all of my snacks ._.

  10. Ah yes, I do tend to make the head a bit big thanks for the feedback ^^
  11. Welcome ^^ Hope you stay active and make lots of friends Though I'm still a newbie myself
  12. I have dreams that are beyond crazy almost daily. They've gotten crazier after watching DC ^^; And what's worse is I found out about DC in the SUMMER. My summer dreams = MADNESS Anyway, I had a dream that I was at my friends house and they had a fish tank full of swimming Pikachu. I was just wandering around and I saw Haibara so I decided to stalk follow her and she went into a room that looked like an arcade and enter into a secret passage and hid in there for some reason. Then I heard my friends dad scream and so I rushed back to see him abusing a poor Pikachu, then he took the Pikachu and threw him in the trash. I rushed after it and came back yelling and lecturing my friends dad for animal err, POKEMON cruelty and let the Pikachu run loose outside. Then I saw Conan holding some golden key inside the house and I woke up :l Another dream I had was I help this random guy get away from some evil blue pirates by faking his death but somehow something went wrong and he actually died. I then went after the blue pirates. But halfway when I was running I realized that I had no clue where they were and asked for some directions. Apparently, they lived in a treehouse on two blocks from where I was. I ran all the way there to find the treehouse abandoned and when I left I found this picture with a certain Buddha from my religion along with a paper with some Chinese/Japanese character. Then I woke up :l I've also had a series of dreams that had a plot line about how I was a secret spy. I think I need therapy when I grow up. Or maybe now ^^;
  13. Err lets see.. I always had some 'CREATIVE' people to come up with my names Kim Kim-chan Kimmi Kimmy Kimmerz (Me: o.o') Kimberly (Blah my full name, it sounds to ehh compared to my personality ) Kimmosaur KC ( I actually kind of like this one.. ) K-Chan I think that covers it..
  14. Dearborn Heights, Michigan Though, my parents originated from Vietnam
  15. Oh gosh I fail -.-' I was putting some dirty laundry in the basket and it was really dark and I walked straight into a door T^T

    1. Kim-Chan


      This is my first time, I've walked into walls and fell down some stairs but this my first for walking into a door *sigh*

    2. KudoShinichi


      (LOLLOL FAIL xD) are you okay :s

    3. Kim-Chan


      Okie dokie don't worry, ^^

      I'm surprised it didn't hurt though O.o

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  16. Kim-Chan

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    It's not psycopath, if you were to consider it something I'd say it's pedophilia *cough* But, although Haibara is not directly and romantically interested, she does have a bit of respect for Mitsuhiko though he is a kid. It's rather interesting subject to toy with considering they have had their share of moments. Though I Ainaji, I wouldn't want any fluffy romance until they've age quite a bit. MitsuAi is cute but it's also slightly awkward to work with :S
  17. I have a tough time choosing between the two T^T Eri is cool, chilled, and smart Yukiko is carefree, fun, and humorous Toughie D: I'ma just call it a tie for me
  18. Hmm soo many to choose from, I don't know the names and numbers of them all and I'm still pretty behind D: But some of my favorites would be Rollarcoaster Case, the thing that started it all Moonlight Sonata Case, AWESOME SPECIAL *O* Bandaged-Man Case, that guy still freaks me out, and reminds me a Skillet Edogawa Conan's Kidnapping Case, FUNNY~! Eppy 76 I think, Kaito Kid's first appearance, I was so happy because I found MK before DC so I was a Kid fan for a while Eppy 129, Haibara first appearence Desperate Rivival Arc, Shin-chan gets shot, Ran's suspicious, and he comes back again :'D Eppy 269 if I remember correctly? Hakuba appears, Kid appears, lots of faked deaths and good stuff ;D Chinatown De-ja-vu, awesome case, I see Shinichi again also Eppy 302, Sato&Tagaki SQUEE~!! And the bombings made it really interesting, Kudou can defuse bombs ;0 The one special when Vermouth first appears, EPIC STUFF. Conan disguised as Haibara, Ran saves Haibara from being shot, Hei-chan I'm currently on eppy 354 so not fully caught up, but most of those are some memorable episodes I REALLY enjoyed, GOSHO is GENIUS ^^ I might remember some of the other later ^^
  19. Well, the first console I played was my friends Gameboy Color with Tetris I tried to find a Gameboy Color but they must have stopped selling them or something ^^; So I ended up buying a Gameboy Advance SP and some Disney Princess game to go with it I was six
  20. I don't think he's overrated. He hasn't been caught so he has SOMETHING to back it up with. Also, to be honest, I came across MK before DC so Kaito is one of my favorite characters, in the top 5 He's a fun and lovable character, I enjoy his carefree attitude and smart thinking. Besides, I like how he's a nice thief, I don't see that everyday, he cares about other people's safety &he steals, and then returns.
  21. September 6th Day after Labor Day
  22. School teaches us lessons so we can find a job, life teaches us lessons to become a better person.

    1. sayDieluna


      Life teaches you what you can't learn in school. :D

    2. Kim-Chan
    3. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      School teaches what you can't in life. And school is a part of life. Therefore without school it is possible we would learn nothing at all.

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  23. I agree with you mostly. However, despite that Shiho creating that drug made him go through a rather, 'DIFFICULT' phase in his life. She did make him a better person (Although unintentionally) I'm sure we are all clear that Shinichi has a big ego, remember chapter 1 ? When he became Conan he mentally grew up and experienced his share of hardships, He also grew closer to Ran, Which leads me to one of the reason why I really support ShinRan. They like each other to the point where they are able to push pass the flaws. Not a lot of couples can ever get to that point. Ran has liked Shinichi since chapter 1 and she was well aware of his ego, &we all know that Shinichi had a cute dorky crush on Ran. And with the push of him being 'Conan' they are both able to realize the dept of their true feelings
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