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Everything posted by Vick-Valentine

  1. Hey ^^

    Alen? Where'd you get that? From Valentine? xD

  2. Hmmm... A shadow? Wait no, is it a stamp? o3o;
  3. Haha, alright, take care! ^^

  4. *Silence* oxo;

    [Yes, I'm a he xD]

  5. Itete >x<

    Well then! You asked for it!

    *Hides* oxo;

  6. *WellthenwhatwasitthatIpassed*? @.@ Same! ^^
  7. I just guessed it was cause it's something you always do when you add someone or vice versa ^^;

    *Gasps* How dare you?!

  8. Friends already, woot~

    Haha xP

    *Pokes back* ^^

  9. You think so? ^^;

    Thanks for the add! [Three thanks in a row xD]

    These forums are pretty fun xP

  10. I WAS playing Metroid Fusion again. Hurrican came by, no power or over a day, couldn't charge the console, turned off, somehow my save was completely gone so nothing at the moment xD
  11. Thanks xD

    Made the account a couple of days ago but actually truly started using it today.

  12. I already posted that one o3o; 7662? @.@
  13. @Kim 1. I've heard this one before, and I believe you wrote it a bit wrong, so if you did, the answer would be an upside down centipede. If not, then I have the wrong Riddle in mind XD 2. The letter "n"? 3. A splinter. 4. A match. 5. You repeated the same riddle xD
  14. *Wants to be a part of this* *But he's a newbie* *Barely knows people* :c xD
  15. No her username here is " Emihimei:

  16. Why yes, I did~ xD YAY! *Didn'tknowthiswasatest*
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