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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by kiyundy.

  1. Moonlight Magician: haha thanks so much for telling me. is it a game of who makes more post in the introduction threads? lol KudoShinichi: I can't deny the fact that I am a kpop fan. Even though I am chinese, Chinese pops and etc don't interest me anymore. LOL I really don't know why! x__x yes sir! i've been a fan for 10 years! Lol If you didn't see the college student part, how old did you think I was? To be honest, when i first watched the anime, i was freaken scared because of the black figures they show before they reveal who the killers were. lol! Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief: My long reply is probably a thanks to you because you had a long one. Haha, I mean the only reason people won't take young people serious is because of the way they post, i have some cousins at age 11 who are pretty mature, its not even funny. Shes even better than me in English when shes that young. But I don't know if you're trying to throw us off guard with your post but with the way you type, i really can't find you older than 19 haha. Hmm that is very interesting about the way you talk about locations. I live in L.A California, what does that tell you about me? lol It'll be an interesting theory! Haha most of the time my and my family speak english, the only time i speak Cantonese is to my parents cause they hardly understand English. Haha you're not the only lazy person, sometimes when i see a long post, i don't feel like replying. lmao! its like a burden! Ah, i didn't catch that part of having older sisters HERE at this forum! I don't think people will be able to catch up to you if you continue to perform this well in posting everyday and stuff! Don't worry, i don't think you're trying to post a lot because you want to be at top but rather you just enjoy posting and chatting, like you mentioned [: ---------------- p.s i may be replying quick right now but trust me, ill get lazy! haha [: okay im gonna get off and catch up on my tv shows because school officially starts next week for me }:
  2. Hi there, i'm a newbie here myself. You've been a member two days earlier than me. How you like it so far? I've been a DC fan for 10 years already! Its crazy how its been that long! I'm Sandy btw. I hope to see you around [:
  3. Moonlight Magician: Thanks for the warm welcome {: everyone is so active here <3 Wildheart888 Thanks for the welcome and so far i really like the forum (: i've been trying to figure out what you mean with the "P:7 or 8? I forget W:13" It'll be great if you let me know what it means. lol kinantimp: Hello Kinantimp, thanks for the welcome. I don't have any problems with the profiles and etc stuff since i've been on other forums that is similar to this one. So its not confusing for me, i hope you'll get the hang of it soon (: Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief Haha, you have a very interesting way of posting + introduction! You seem to be really secretive about your age and location and etc. Is there a reason for that or you just don't like having random people here at the forum knowing about you? I live in California though i would like to travel to Korea and Japan someday because i never been out of California in my entire life, well I've been to Arizona but country wise, no! I am chinese myself too, i speak Cantonese and English. I want to learn Mandarin because it seems more mainstream than cantonese. You do seem like pretty crazy but an interesting one. To be honest, I don't think you're older than 19..lol! I like cookies too because i use to work at a cookie place. [: I am still reading your post because its only right o be reading something you post even though most of your post are the same in everyone's intro thread. lmao! You do have a big family because i only have a total member of 9! I always thought 9 was a lot but boy am i wrong. You do have a lot of post and i hope you continue to stay on top and not let someone snatch that position from you. lol I do see how you like chatting with people by the type of post you posted here. You're full of energy and thats what make people comfortable and feel at ease. I wouldn't want to challenge you on those long intros because I really don't have time for that, the only time for me to even have a long post is if someone writes me one. Haha thanks for the welcome, KKLT-san! [:
  4. hihi, thanks for the welcome <3

  5. Hi there, i'm sandy and i'm a newbie here myself too so there really isnt much i can tell you about but lets have fun at this forum and get to know others around here too! see you around.
  6. Hihi, i'm a newbie here myself too! I've been lurking around here and the main page and decided to finally join since i am an avid DC fan [; i hope we'll be able to bump into each other in the forum often! See ya [:
  7. thanks for the welcome (:

  8. thanks for the welcome [:

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