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Detective Conan World

Mango Ma

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Everything posted by Mango Ma

  1. Crying!我才不想上一整个夏天的课,是学校逼我的!你知道现在的气温有多高吗,36℃!!!!
  2. 呐,我想说明一下,教中文绝对不能一个一个字教,这样被教的人会失去耐心,要从日常切入。反正我现在学英文也不是一个一个词学,配合教材嘛
  3. 字的发音和字义虽然没有什么太大的关联,毕竟中文是象声字形声字共用。在了解每一个字的发音前,先要知道英文和中文字义的转换,要让字的意思在脑子里有个大致印象。和学习英文一样环境非常重要,如果你只是单纯的想要学中文口语的话多交几个会中文的人,掌握基本的词汇和用法后交流就不会难了~我和华人小朋友沟通都是这样的……只说中文,加上一些肢体语言他会懂得你的意思,如果实在不行只好用英语了……
  4. 我本来在一个中文论坛看柯南的更新,看完了好无聊就试着在Google看看有没有关于柯南的其他论坛,结果就顺藤摸瓜找到这个网站了! 我的英文……实在是很没信心啊……如果是因为大陆的教育体制的话,那还真是喜从祸中来……大陆人有大陆人的悲伤~我上了一整个夏天的课!
  5. Morning:went to school noon:had a lunch.now hanging here afternoon:go to school(so hot now!i don't want to go to school!) evening:have a dinner,and go to school now you know Chinese students' boring life My god,take me away or take my school away...
  6. Well,I am a Chinese Conan fan(柯南控哈哈~),jion here by accident... I've been a Conan fan about 10 years!When I were a pupil I fell in love with Detective Conan.Now I'm 15 years old but Conan is still a child,Shinichi(←wrong spell?well,is 新一) is still a 17-year-old detective... I love Conan,love Ai(Haibara,and her name write by Chinese is wonderful:灰原哀),love Kaidou KID(and his name write by Chinese is so smart...基德),love Ojisan...Uncle Mouri(毛利大叔~)...XP Very delighted to make friends with you! Now I think I like there...
  7. so you're a...Japanese or American or?
  8. 一方面来说,书写中文的确是一件艰难的事情这点我同意,如果你没有好记性我恐怕你做不到……当然,作为一个中文母语者我觉得,一般般吧。另一方面,中文口语比英文或法语要简单,因为中文没有麻烦的时态结构。 On the one hand,writing Chinese is very hard and i agree,if you don't have a good memory i araid you can't get it...of course,as a native speaker i think it is so-so.One the other hand,Chinese spoken is easier than english or french,because Chinese language is simple for tenses. Oh,my english is really so-so...if you can't understand don't laugh at me...XD
  9. 也的确,实不相瞒我有教过几个小孩中文啦~不过效果好像不怎么样…… 会觉得中文(说,手写就不是了)简单因为那没有时态,我觉得比起拉丁语系好处也就是在这里吧
  10. Hi~我是来自中国大陆,你能看懂简体字吗?
  11. Well...now here just is a Chinese chatroom... I think I can't say learing Chinese is easy...after someone said something to me... Anyway,you can join our talking if you are interested in Chinese language or China. Since today I can't watch DC's new TV because I have no time to do other things... 大爱柯南和哀! Love Conan and Haibara!But KID is my favorite... (my english is poor...)
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