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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. sometimes your heart can see what is invisible to the eye.
  2. 'Tears~ Tears~ Stop falling and destroying my lil cheek :V' D:

  3. LOLOL xDD I will ~

    Whats with the status?

  4. hahah , me too

    but sometimes I forget and i'm thinking about things in class ~

    so i just memorize ~ I don't get it tho XD


    it's so hard memorizing things you don't understand :L

  6. ...LOL

    so youre scary to teachers? :3


    Did you do anything to make teachers scared of you?

  8. That awkward moment when you want to laugh in a serious situation..
  9. XDD you yell at the teacher?

    I'm too scared to do that

    I'm afraid I might get sent out of the room or somethingg

    HAHA :)

  10. yup T__T

    at least they tell us beforee the test.:D..

    i hate pop quizzes =__=

  11. XD.

    YUP ~~~

    i'm studying,chatting, and listening to music XD. sigh, so many tests :s


    HAHAHAH I forgot for a second about that (:<

    What are you doing ? ^^

  13. :)

    Same XD

    Our reasons are alike ~~

  14. so you live on for a reason ~ x)

    learn to love life ~ it's like a game ~ but you get no redos :3

  15. I guess you could change or apologize ~ That's the best way ~ Do you hate life? D:

  16. Everyone has two sides, don't worry :P

    Sigh. that enemy is evil =____=

  17. Yup.. I know D:

    That enemy is so mean :[

  18. Stay strong cuz people say lots of things when they're mad~

    Feel better ~ cause you're one of a kind ,so don't ever think about suicide ^^

  19. XD

    Is it about your status? When did that happen ? D:

  20. hiii

    See , i'm anonymous again xDD

    How are you? :D

  21. Alcohol is bad for your brain , and I think it tastes bad, imo Try not to get addicted Moo ! x) I wonder if samsung galaxy S 2 is better than the iphone?
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