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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. yup.. i feel weird when people see what i'm doing.. yeah..everyone has their reasons :)

  2. i'm usually anonymous

    probably cause i don't want people seeing what i'm doing :P

  3. yeah..so true! i would just be running around in circles if i did :P

  4. But you give good advice.. ^_^

    don't care about what others think :D.

  5. I see ~ :D.. you're such a nice person ^_^

  6. Haha.. I think I shouldn't talk too much on forums then :P. I wanted to get more postss to get a member title ~ But I guess somebody took it the wrong way ..

  7. D:

    Did you find out who did it ? :P

  8. hahah I have an idea on who. :PP

  9. Haha its k ! XD

    I don't believe that ratings represent a person ^^



  12. Sometimes when only one person is missing and the whole world seems depopulated. (><)
  13. I learned that some of the quiet people in our class were big gossipers.
  14. so deep :$$$ Dear Anonymous, I love you. Signed, Anonymous
  15. When you are feeling very down and lonely without them...
  16. Welcome! I'm Ryuuji! XD I'm pretty nice ( I THINK ), so you can talk to me anytime ~
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