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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. LOLOLL.

    I haveee a threedayy weekend this week :3..

    Bye, going to school XD

    See you nat-chan xd

  2. + so scary LOL Nat-chan..

  3. LOL wow

    there's still something called fighting for a girl? :P

    If it was me, I'd just let the friend ~

  4. LOL so they're both friends of yours? :P

  5. ..They're dudes right.. LOL

    Or are they strong girls like you ? :D...

  6. D:.. That's dangerous :X

  7. Dear Geography teacher, Please stop making Geography boring. I used to like it before you were the teacher. You tell no freaking jokes and I almost fell asleep today The girl behind me was already sleeping I was LMAOING at the sight But still YOURE SO BORING SO CHANGE PLEASE Signed, Me
  8. ..Wow..

    listening to a sad song for three days :x

    It's addicting?

  9. ..LOL how long have you been listening to it...

  10. Some of your fanfictions are on hiatus :L
  11. LOL this sounds funny in a way
  12. Early too..SIGHHH

    I get up at 5:50 , Get to school at 7:00

    School starts at 7:30 .. sucks right

    How about you ~



    mine ends at 16:50 T__T

    & you get back an hour later? ~

  14. 8:42 PM XD..

    It's already night here :)

    When does your school end? :D

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