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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. Yep. This way i'm going to stay bored for the rest of the night T_T

  2. Yep D:

    I wanna find something to do, but i'm too lazy and bored to do anything ^__^..

  3. Danny Fernandes ft Belly Automatic (leeyou & danceey remix)
  4. Dear Anonymous, I wish you'd notice ... Signed by Anonymous
  5. I would put more ShinichixRan moments in the episodes :mrgreen:
  6. Zai Jian :D

    Have a good sleep :X

  7. I can only read the ones derived from original :C New forms I can't tell at all

  8. 繁體完全不像簡體。:'(

  9. I can't read simplified ~

  10. But people usually learned simplified :o


  11. 是啦~我就這麼認為!



  12. Of course not. LOL

    I just came to taiwan to learn 中文

    It's been a year. (:


  13. One with hearts. I was like... k.....'無言'

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