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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. Lol. I spend .. a couple hours on here. But I also do other things so yeahh :)

  2. If i did that, i would be an ultra stalker LOL

    and people would wonder why do I want to know so much

    :P SO HARD yep i know youre evil :D

  3. 0____________________________________0

    you evil meenie D:<

  4. ...........

    I'm confused.. so how old are you..

  5. oh really ? :X

    Asked ~ -waiting-

  6. Hi IU :D

    Do you know how old KKLT is ?

  7. -_______- that age range is.....

    maybe i'll go ask IU D:

  8. @above LMAO

    can't you just tell me kaitooo

  9. LOL.. WOW nice

    nooo tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

  10. 14.

    Seriously... 22? .. Do I seem that old <--LOL

  11. i've always thought it envolves into mewtwo

  12. I see. So mew stays tiny forever?


    It grows into MEWTWOOOO

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