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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -


    whoaaa you draw too ?

    so talented :X

  2. lmao that one looks very silly :D

    i like the bilious one :S

  3. yup troll face ^^

    theres a bunch of other faces that are creepy :D

    smaller sizes : http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lht5k7hYcy1qdv7vvo1_400.jpg

    hahahaha they're epic ~

  4. okay nat-chan :D

    i'll be waitingggg >:D

  5. aw there isn't a kudoshinichi is challened pt 5 ? :XX

    its interesting ;D

    what are you doing ^^

  6. ^^ you'll get there very fast ~

  7. heheheheh yes XD

    NAT-CHAN!! your stories are really good!

    its like a real case in dc :3

  8. oh, okay ^^

    ima go look for them ~ >:D

  9. nat-chan, do you post fanfictions online ?

  10. same ~

    where did you live before ?

  11. thats nice :D

    theres walt disney word there :3

    ive only been to disneyland in cali :x

    what's nat-chan doing :D

  12. what timezone does nat-chan live in ?

    oh and brb `

  13. do you post them anywhere..? :D...

  14. so you're good at making up stories ? do you write fanfictions ?

  15. haha thats cool :D

    what does nat-chan usually do on here ?

  16. XD. I see. So nat-chan and MM are good friends? ^_^

  17. how old is he (im confused) ? I saw on his profile 11, then like I visited it again later and it was 16 xD

  18. I think it was you. Idk

  19. NP Nat-chan :DD

    I saw MM call you tomboy before haha~

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