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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. I don't like sleeping.. but when I sleep I can sleep for half a day
  2. 最近感覺.. 我有一點點變了.. 不太想在乎愛人跟感情 的問題了.. 為什麼 為了喜歡的人 那麼煩惱? 為什麼我就是那麼的傻? 我真的不懂也 永遠這些感情.. 我要把他們塞在我心底.. 別在想了.. 真得讓我很懊惱...
  3. It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you but it's even tougher when you have to pretend that you don't mind.
  4. Dear Anonymous, Why so stiff? Signed, Anonymous
  5. Of all the friends I've ever met, you're the one I won't forget and if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
  6. It's alright :*

    I needed to sleep anyways xD

  7. Dear Anonymous, Good luck in running tomorrow ! i'll do my best too (: Signed, Anonymous
  8. Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
  9. Hi Balth <3333333333333333333 :*

    how are you?

  10. hahahahah xD

    /keeping it a secret :)

    near your age!

  11. haha XD

    go for it if you love her and want to be with her forever (:

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