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Detective Conan World

- Ryuuji -

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Everything posted by - Ryuuji -

  1. <33333333

    congrats :DDDDD

  2. see youre online too XP

  3. Watch movies. Do homework. Cook and eat
  4. Yeah laughed so hard at someones profile pic change on facebook
  5. 我不能講喔XD 如果講了~ 我住的地方就讓你們知道了 哈哈
  6. It's funny how; the one person you'd take a bullet for... tends to always be the one behind the gun.
  7. Dear Anonymous, Sigh .. Signed, Anonymous
  8. xDDD i kinda forgot how many you need xP

    keep posting everyday (:

  9. Cool XD

    Wanna change your name to some korean name too? :D

  10. I like a lot of Korean stars. Too many (;

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