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Detective Conan World


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Status Replies posted by Anokata-kun

  1. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      x) They can't say anything. They brought it upon themselves. >:3

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  2. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      :3 Especially the kind with no proof or lots of denial x) That's the most fun

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  3. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      >:3 The best part about this is, neither of them are online x3 so they can do nothing!

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hm... what on here can I do to be evil? >:3

  5. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      xDD Sera-chan's gonna be really mad, but I support this fully!

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  6. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      Huh? *totally lost* I missed something, I think...

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  7. G'night~ See ya in the morning~

    1. Anokata-kun


      Oh... Yessssss... *creeps into another corner* So, what are we all doing hanging out on Sera-chan's status? xD

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  8. That sword fight could've ended worse xD He tripped and almost hit his head on a gardening pot, and I cut my knuckles.... I'm not sure on what, but it was when he fell.... I won xD

  9. Sweet~ Posted the frst chapter of my Detective Academy Q fanfic~

  10. Edogawa-chan, I challenge you to a duel, like we used to fight. (whenever you get online...)

    1. Anokata-kun


      ANOKATA, you foolish detective. Grrr, I'm gonna start calling you Bourbon from now on.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Edogawa-chan, I challenge you to a duel, like we used to fight. (whenever you get online...)

    1. Anokata-kun


      ANOKATA, you foolish detective. Grrr, I'm gonna start calling you Bourbon from now on.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. My sister and I were rp-ing Detective Conan, and she decided to choose my character, and so I ended up as myself, but a double agent for the B.O. She even picked my Organization name, hence my new title.

  13. Edogawa-chan, I challenge you to a duel, like we used to fight. (whenever you get online...)

  14. My sister and I were rp-ing Detective Conan, and she decided to choose my character, and so I ended up as myself, but a double agent for the B.O. She even picked my Organization name, hence my new title.

  15. My sister and I were rp-ing Detective Conan, and she decided to choose my character, and so I ended up as myself, but a double agent for the B.O. She even picked my Organization name, hence my new title.

  16. My sister and I were rp-ing Detective Conan, and she decided to choose my character, and so I ended up as myself, but a double agent for the B.O. She even picked my Organization name, hence my new title.

    1. Anokata-kun


      *sneaks online and stabs you* Hello, Edogawa-chan. -_- My first time on in months, and you aren't here to kill....

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. @ Edogawa-chan: Get yourself hurt again and I'm coming over there. :X

  18. Aww.... Barokata isn't here to battle...

    1. Anokata-kun


      Don't feel like fighting today. Exhausted from playing soccer with Jeff.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

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