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Status Updates posted by Anokata-kun

  1. Hm... what on here can I do to be evil? >:3

  2. No. Just bored with nothing to kill and a stupid curfew that I have to leave.

    =_= Whoever started the idea sucks...

  3. No. Just bored with nothing to kill and a stupid curfew that I have to leave.

    =_= Whoever started the idea sucks...

  4. You're no fun to kill. :P

  5. You're no fun to kill. :P

  6. Why? Explosives always work.

  7. Why? Explosives always work.

  8. *drops a box of bombs at your doorstep*

    Maybe I can blow both of you up ^^

  9. *drops a box of bombs at your doorstep*

    Maybe I can blow both of you up ^^

  10. I'm not... :P

    You just suck at dying.

  11. Murders you twice since I doublepost


  12. I should really talk to people I don't know IRL. It's less murderous.

  13. Edogawa-chan, I challenge you to a duel, like we used to fight. (whenever you get online...)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anokata-kun


      ANOKATA, you foolish detective. Grrr, I'm gonna start calling you Bourbon from now on.

    3. Anokata-kun


      ANOKATA, you foolish detective. Grrr, I'm gonna start calling you Bourbon from now on.

    4. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      Oi oi, without me?!

  14. Which one? They both enjoy fighting me.

  15. XD Your sis isn't in much danger, Edogawa's always getting in the way protecting her.

  16. Oi oi, why don't you invite me to your PM chat?

  17. Not exactly fair. I only get my guns and goons, while Edogawa has gadgets. XDDD

  18. The only time Yuharu-san would be harmed is when she interferes in my showdowns with Edogawa-chan.

  19. *Grin* Hello once again, Edogawa-chan. *stab* How've you been?

  20. Hello Nura. Thank you for adding me.

    ... I see you've chatted with Edogawa-chan. Has she warned you of my evil nature? XD

  21. @ Edogawa-chan: Get yourself hurt again and I'm coming over there. :X

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      *Thinks about worriedness*

      Oi oi, are you Jeff on Alan's account????!

    3. AiSuigetsu


      *agrees with above post*

    4. -The Rising Angel-
  22. Really? ^_^ I figured I'd stop using my bro's account and was persuaded to join.

  23. Yeah. Never mind, I have to go now anyway. See you guys later.

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