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Fluffy Ears

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Everything posted by Fluffy Ears

  1. Fluffy Ears

    Child Abuse

    Seriously I play Dynasty Warriors when I was a kid, and I play Samurai Warriors too! My favorite characters in Dynasty Warrior's are Xiahou Dun(And I love his X X X O O O O O O Combo!, Zhou Tai, Zhou Yu and Lu Bu. On topic, They should not be KILLED, They should be PUNISHED
  2. Dear anonymous, Why you cant accept the fact that you lose to me? Signed, Me Dear crush, Why are you always bumping me? I think Im gonna fall. inlove with you <3 Signed, me
  3. Fluffy Ears

    Child Abuse

    I would never do that to my son/daughter child : ( If I will gonna have D:
  4. Why the quote here is all about LOVE? </////3
  5. Fluffy Ears

    Child Abuse

    I WAS SO <//////////////////////////////////////////////3 -_____________________________________________________-
  6. Hooray! I got a Comp Tech class in second sem! :))

    1. angelranchan


      aw!! what's your course?? we will have that on our second year..as if i will survive :D

    2. Fluffy Ears
    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      I'm in Comp Tech this semester! I'm taking Advanced Comp next semester~

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  7. Hahahaha! I`m a caring person specially to my *F
  8. Same here, I`m still learning to draw, D: What kind of class do you want to take? Art Class?
  9. Thanks Ran-chan! Thanks Ktpt-sama! Nah its not VERY good. D: But thanks Cure-kun!
  10. :D. I really want to learn japanese :D
  11. Okay! and again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

  12. Yea, It`s really good if you`re thinking positive!, can I have your MSN ID?, Can we continue this tommorow because its already 11:25PM here my father is scolding me now,

    he says , HEY ! WHY YOU DONT SLEEP NOW ITS ALREADY 12AM! I`LL REMOVE YOUR COMPUTER IF YOU dont off it now, so bye! I see you tommorow sensei!

  13. I did see his face D: maybe Madara`s brother
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