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Detective Conan World

Fluffy Ears

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Everything posted by Fluffy Ears

  1. Can you give me another example again? If its okay to you :)

  2. I really want to learn and love math but my brain cannot D:

    1. Fluffy Ears

      Fluffy Ears

      Me, when I heard and think the word math is like, NOO I CANT DO THIS STUFF T_T. but I want to learn :(

    2. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief
    3. Fluffy Ears

      Fluffy Ears

      Seriously I hate math then my teacher in math (NOW) says that you should not hate math you should try your very very best! ( If you have any questions Im willing to help you ) then when you try your best, you say to me if you hate math!. Then I realize that I need to do my best D: and then, I become interested :)

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  3. oh my bad i was too exited that I forgot that 27 can be divided into 3 : ( can you give me another again? sorry :(

  4. I have two tries

    2x3x9= GCF 27?

    2x9 = GCF 18?

  5. 54: 2x3x9

    36 : 2x2x9

    so the gcf if 2x2x3x9 = 108

  6. can you give me and example and ill answer it :D

  7. Otaku-kun Hajimemashite! DCW e yōkoso!
  8. WHO CARES IF YOUR A NEWBIE! IM A NEWBIE TOOO! : )))) By the way Welcome to DCW and I hope you enjoy your stay here, Stay active and Have fun! If you have any question's feel free to ask me. Ill do my best to answer your question : D WE ARE NOT CRAZY here.
  9. I get it in LCM but can you give me another example for Gcf?

  10. is watching Prince of Tennis Episode 14 Seigaku vs Fudomine!

  11. I failed and in the mast quiz then my art teacher said to me that I didnt followed his instruction so I fail in our 3rd activity (
  12. Awesome!, I really want to go back re-learn karate!, when I was a kid I only reach green belt T_T Anyways my today's happy event. My father bought me a drawing book D:, a 5 different mechanical pencils and a pencil holder
  13. So the first two number is the gcf? and the lcm is you need to combine the numbers

    example there's another number or what then there's a 9 so you'll

    ex. 2x2x5x7x9 =LCM


  14. Seriously I search for the edit button of deviantID for almost 2 days then I read a tutorial send by Lupin " Thanks to lupin!" and I was reading it and it says there should be an edit button there, so I click click click click it and nothing appears then suddenly I clicked the advertisement and suddenly the deviantID button appeared,

  15. Its okay, How I can find the GCF? and the LCM?

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