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Detective Conan World

Fluffy Ears

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Everything posted by Fluffy Ears

  1. ^Nope I also mean some members here @Lauraa No problem!
  2. Okay lang ako ate faye ikaw? Magandang Umaga Sayo! 8 AM ba jan?
  3. I only assist my father, I slice the meat, onions and other recipes

  4. Thank you! I'll make it better I swear
  5. Thank you very much! Thank you! Its not that great lol Sthankyou! Okay : D
  6. Sorry I was ask by my father to clean and help him to cook >.<

  7. 나는 단어의 일부를 이해할 수 없다
  8. When I was a kid I was alone in our house so I on the TV and I turn it to channel 7 then a detective conan show was there,
  9. 난 괜찮아요 학교 작업 젠장 * 난 그냥 구글이 번역
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