naruto saidthat if hefight sasuke both will die soo from that i assumed the love power that sakura will then realise that she love naruto not sasuke
for the ending naruto will crush tobi once and for all and become the ten tail jinchuriki
sasuke will beat kabuto putting a end to madara and itachi then come tofight naruto but he's fighting tobi to he'll teamup first after a while after bee will die then tobi will flee with his body then naruto and sasuke will fight each other and both will die as naruto said after tobi will pick kurama thenreform the ten tail .naruto will resurect by sakura's love power then will haveto fight the ten tails and tobi for the last fight
here is my predictions
ok what we know about him/her
the name at least been introduced
AI will be shocked to know who is the boss
if we get to know the BO's name we'll know for sure the boss ID
who can fit in these