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Detective Conan World

moroboshi dai

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Everything posted by moroboshi dai

  1. hahaha i am in montreal as well who know i may have seen you once hahaha

    mais niveau francais j'ai besoin de travailler ma ponctuation

  2. i played long ago i still have the game but don't play much cauee i'm alone playing it will try adding ya
  3. sup?

    seeing the last com you are learning french that's great i'm french from quebec

  4. never heard i only played the video game on ps2 ps3 and wii
  5. itachi apeeared in few chapter away but we haven't heard of him for a while
  6. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    hehe it really was indeed
  7. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    i can,t be specxific ias i seen 1 in the last one with heiji otaki and the other in a train often
  8. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    ohh i watched one ova the one with mayumi mishihiko(don't remember welll) and kenta it was funny
  9. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    conan mistuhiko and ayumi older fake iguess but cool sweet couple well for conxayumi
  10. i prefer kakashi as well and itachi i HATE sasuke
  11. kazuha being shot not to death but severe shot to make heiji react a bit more and realise that if he don't confess he might lose her forever major event like conan being aabducted by a Bo member not knowing he's shinichi or criminal attacking the detective or main character instead of random dude
  12. i just read it and loved it of course already can't wait for next one
  13. yep ai can live her broken childhood again now i guess she'll come to say at the end something like i couldn't have a normal childhood and teenage cause of them now i can live them again i won't let this chance go away from me
  14. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    honestly conan's personality don't fit with anyone well maybe sera but not ran or ayumi
  15. moroboshi dai

    Conan x Ayumi

    they are the cutest pair so why not. but conan have to stay a kid then
  16. well AI said they told her that but nothing really proove its true
  17. could it be funny if the girl is actually called gin saying that she got kudo hehe
  18. same as ihkf hehe as i told on dctp
  19. the idea is ok but if he was that romantic he will keep himself from getting to that case as he's with his lover comon kudo stand up and resist a bit
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