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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by preciola1213

  1. It's spring break for me! Woohoo!

  2. Hey, sorry I've been gone for quite a while. :)

  3. I'm good, thanks! You?

  4. It's fine! And Happy Children's day to u too!

  5. It's good to see that people have the same interests as me!

  6. Something's been going down lately and it's not a good thang,

  7. I'm in Dubai at the moment...it's cool and I just cried my heart out.

    1. harrieth.dc


      cool; I want to go out of town! :[[[[

  8. Hey guys! I'm the type of person who likes to ask random questions...like this for example. It came into my mind one day and since I was having a hard time thinking about it, I thought I'd ask you guys. and also scrubs is one of my favourite shows... So who do you think would be who in scrubs? Oh and here's an extra....if the scrubs characters were replaced(again) with the Inuyasha crew, who would be who? Have fun!!! Oh and if it's in the wrong section, please feel free to tell me.
  9. The Lion King....a true disney classic for me. It also means alot because it was based in the country of one of my parents! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      haha ikr! they're so hilarious xD

    3. vawli


      I love it too I especially like the music.

    4. preciola1213


      Yeah, the music was really good. Made me feel calm and cool..

  10. Eating a grilled cheese sandwhich....it's good.

    1. harrieth.dc


      wow! give me some please! :)))

  11. Unicorns, huh? I prefer elfs....but never mind. And I think you're popular because you're likable. :D

  12. I'm yet to say this to you....But you're a very intresting and exciting character! :D

  13. Oh no, I'm not offended at all! Since wild animals were the first thing in Africa. But Africa is a great and fun place to be and visit. If I had a recommand a vacation place, I'd either suggest Kenya or South Africa. Overall, nice place. It's home.

    Sorry for the long talk. :)

  14. Everywhere I see is Beautiful People!

  15. I have a question. What is that point on Ran's head? Is it a style or did it end up that way? These are the questions which hunt me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. preciola1213


      Hmmmm...maybe Kyuu's right.

    3. Wildheart888
    4. vawli


      I am pretty sure it is her hair. But I think she just hit her head.


    1. vawli


      "Everbody should have a good time."

  17. Favorite sweet or sour food? Curious, don't judge

    1. AmiiChan AlSa
    2. Wildheart888


      Umm....none really...^^" But I guess sweet over sour.....xP

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      I don't really have a favorite sweet thing, but I love just about anything that's sour.

  18. Hey Naddy!!!! WELCOME TO THE BEAUTIFUL PLACE WHICH IS DCW!!!! Hope you like and enjoy this place and you're always welcomed to chat with me or aks if you need help! We're very Crazy I mean nice here and hope we can be good friends. ENJOY YOUR TIME HERE AND GO WILD!!! Sorry..........have fun!
  19. How's everyone today? Good? Well, that's good. But I'm not good....I'm sick.

  20. Who puts pineapple on a pizza? I mean it's crazy! What's next, strawberry?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kim-Chan


      My parents and I like pineapple on our pizza...

    3. Wildheart888


      *shudders* Too sweet...

    4. preciola1213


      I guess it's alright for some but for me....no way!

  21. How do u delete or lock a topic? Because I have two of the same thing and I have no Idea how to remove the other one. Help, please.

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