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Everything posted by Kansokuri

  1. yep!

    These are lyrics and the streets :P:P

  2. I saw movie 7 on yt and i decided to search more :P

    also..the detective with a chipmunk reminded me of the fox gods...He looked like a fox:))

  3. Maru Take Ebisu ni oshi oike

    it-s a kyoto song for children

    to make easier for them to memorize the name and place of streets

    and yes, Ebisu its the god of prosperity...

  4. Mulţumesc..Oh diacriticile mele s-au intors..!! ooo.

  5. Apropo...pentru prima dată în trei ani de zile am visat că o să mă mărit sau așa ceva ..:P

    Cred că e pentru că-s îndrăgostită...:P

  6. Ok.L-am adaugat pe fratele tau :P

    Btw avatarul tau e foarte dragut :P

    Am o poza veche cu mine pe undeva si zambeam ca un vampir

    ....scuze.Nu stiu ce are tastatura mea.Cred ca a ametit de engleza si diacritice.

  7. Aww <3

    Yesterday i saw something on youtube...


    I was searching for Hanabi by ayumi hamasaki ..:P.But I found this...:x.It's sooo expressive, like storytelling >X>X

    I wish I could dance or sing...>P>P

    are u practicing with a musical instrument?

  8. Oooh.Then you must be a hard worker O.o

    And in what consist this orchestral practice..?


  9. N-ai dormit sau...?

    păi nici eu nu aveam somn si am adormit pe la vreo 1 jumate :P:P:P

  10. I was sleeping...XD And I dreamt something sweet..:x Now im searching for some DC movie ....yeaaah in streaming.

  11. Neaţa..da,la mine e neaţa!

  12. O să-l caut.dar trebuie s-o şterg cu viteza luminii la somn.Gomenasai surioară.

    Imi face mama morală...:(

  13. Dogs howling...How scary.Thanks to god that I live on the 2nd floor...

  14. Eu?Pe frăţiorul tău?

    Oricum, my first crush a fost un blonduţ mare şi rău:))asta ti-o zic pe româneşte..:P

    Si era nocturnal asa cum zice True-Tears că e ea:O.

  15. I think you got what's the best from past and present..

    I am sooo in love with Romanian , American and Japanese jazz.And some j-pop.

  16. Don't worry,I am always crazy...XD

    Maybe because you have so much good taste in music:P

  17. Thanks for greetings.

    First time i thought you were a boy coz of the alladin -like avatar :P:P:P

  18. 1 am...so there is 8:21 pm...

    So now i knooowwww:X

  19. Oh, that's nothing ^_^.Are you sleepy, by any chance?

  20. ~~Counselor, KKLT.

    Err..I am not too good.But I want to help, even if it is just on yahoo.Though, I don't let this to be a perspective in my life.

    and Ai-chan made me to recall some memories about mum.She is difficile too...

  21. I never show as a private or offline:P:P

    I was talking to a girl...

    Romance troubles on her head.

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