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Everything posted by Kansokuri

  1. Yup yup I agree.DCW is a home :X

  2. thank you.

    To be true to my heart , there afternoon starts :)) but I woke up laaaaaaaaaateeee

    at 11 am omigod.

  3. Bună şi neaţa.M-am trezit acum 20 minute şi inca mi-e somn.E urât afară si ma îmbie să mă bag in pat la loc.

    Ai zis ca esti la liceu , ayame...

    Ce clasă eşti?

  4. Kansokuri just woke-up...

    Awww,DCW.I find it sweet and charming:p

    Like a home>:P

  5. Its okaaayyy,Sherlyn-Chaaan:X

    I just woke up.

    Nah,i am just trying to sleew while I can:))

    Seriously, being a 2nd year at university will be so tiring...

  6. Ty for adding me as a friend.I hope the yellow smiling thingy i have as my avatar will make you smile more!:P

  7. You see? It was okay!

    You were scared more bec you didn't know to tell, or don't tell.I think this was the true problem.

  8. Da, am 21 de ani, pe bune, de ce?

    Sunt la facultate.Anul 2 la Iasi, Biochimie in cadrul UAIC.

  9. Good Night to Everyone (Chuu~!)

    1. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      Oyasuminasai~ (good night) ^ ^

  10. Păăi am ajuns din intamplare aici , cautam un film cu det Conan (cred ca filmul 4)si acum trebuie sa ma duc la culcare..:P:P:P

  11. Tell him.Dont be afraid.He is your dad and he will help you more.Maybe its a teen who heard about the murder and decided to protect himself with the bat.Who knows.

  12. Ayame-chan, deci esti din Bucureşti.Uh Uh.

    Eu sunt din Făurei, un orăşel de lângă Brăila.

    Dacă nu mă înşeală memoria , Vlad Ţepeş a fost de două ori domn.Odată In Ţara Româneasca si odată in Transilvania...

  13. To ayame-chan> Da, putem vorbi în limba română.

    To Kyuu..Nope.I am not from Transylvania,unfortunately.I live somewhere near Braila,I think she heard about Făurei, a little city in the whereabouts of Brăila.

  14. Tell me , please, you heard about the presence of gangs in your city's whereabouts?

    Because if it isnt the case of a weird hobby or it's not someone who wants only to look cool...that would be.If nothing appeares at the news, maybe is nothing to worry about.

  15. Ayame-chan, are you from Romania?? Bec you said Dracula's homeland..:P

    It happens I am from Romania..XD.

    Also, Dracula it's a character inspired by a real person :P:p

  16. are you heree?

    Anyway,I think life is a bizarre adventure :P

    I had so much shockin' secrets to discover...

  17. okay, ayame-chan...w8 a bit.I am hungry and in a hurry..:P

  18. rice and chicken :grin: And I am still hungry... I will look up in the fridge, wait meeeehhh a bit~~! <3
  19. I found them on the net and i liked them a lot so...

    The one i have in forums is a flower of forget me not..

  20. Yeeepiiieee!!

    I like DCW a lot!!:x

  21. kaze no ra ra ra ...

    1. hopes
    2. Kansokuri


      Yep.I was changing phone messages with someone and suddenly it popped up in my mind:)

    3. hopes
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