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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AokoNakamori

  1. i ACCTUALLY got a Tumblr. ha! mou and gab convinced me. it's pretty ok. i can follow my freind john and gab on there

  2. excited. since the last series was so awsome,even here, i'm looking forward to it. the cases really got me hooked
  3. ok cool then, yeah i know i sound two faced but i stopped it a long time ago,chiba. stop it. i didn't know and i know great art when i see it. i just wanted to make sure
  4. okiya tuskuko from dream or not. it's a great story so far
  5. not bad for hand drawn. you gonna draw okiya from one of my fav fics so far?
  6. ... ... ... Moderator Edit: MadelineLime did draw this image. She is also Kartos. Nothing to see here. Move along. i saw this on PIXIV.....did you really draw it? i know when arya draws it. she has the same screen name on each site and she proves it with her work. Kartos draw it on pixiv and deviantart
  7. the fact that he NEVER cries. i think they made him a bit too perfect.
  8. lately i've been on a kick of eating nothing but potato salad,corndogs, and salads

    1. Inspector Gin
    2. AokoNakamori


      mom says the potato salad i mostly eat is healthier than anything else i eat. so it's ok

  9. me either. they found a clue but she won't update til tomorrow or day after. she updates every 3 or 4 days
  10. anyone wanna guess what file 809 will be about? i like guesses even tho i have no clue either

  11. anyone know how much the preorder,everything including shipping, is for the volume 75 and figure? i wanna order it but the japanese confuses me and i wanna know how much it is. and someone to walk me through it because the figure is so dang cute!

  12. i read that one. my fav part...the tattoo XD i also recomend influence-lostinthedreams (another idea by me) it's one i really like because heiji really interests me i REALLY recomend Manipulation- lostinthemystery ( this is dreams and another writer teaming up)) i have to warn you this fic is BRUTAL but an awsome kidnapping case that combines both DC and MK (manipulation's link) http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7721045/1/Manipulation
  13. YAY!!! i just saw the new trailer on the movie website! IT'S AWSOME!! @.@ so many explosions
  14. i got a new signature!! WHO LIKES IT? because if noone does i change it.

    1. Conia


      She never said she herself made it :P

    2. AokoNakamori


      exactly. never said i made. i didn't. if i made it i'd SAY i made it.

    3. Cindy-Chen
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. i'm not that good but i'm still working on chinese and japanese art styles and mediums. i'm mostly a lower level acrylics painter and my stong suit is night scenes and landscapes. i only ever did one night scene thats a city scape and my sister has it in her new house. she loves it and it's london. if she says all levels i guess it's fine. i entered a work. i just hope people like it ^^; i'm not that good yet
  16. apparently i'm crap. something MUST be wrong with me if everyone in my family keeps breaking their promises to me.i never do anything right

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      If they keep breaking their promises, who's not doing anything right?

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      If THEY're breaking THEIR promises, it's THEIR fault.

    3. AokoNakamori


      it's my dad..mostly. my mom finally got fed up enough to take me.

  17. lol conan with technology like tablets. yeah it IS getting interesting. will RAN get a tablet?
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