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Everything posted by mahotou

  1. in movie 3 of the english dub they did not say that Harley was from Osaka. they went to Osaka to see the Memories egg.

  2. Thank you for the "happy birthday~"!!

  3. Thank you for the "happy birthday~"!! *goes now to catch up on Conan!*

  4. Thank you for the "happy birthday~"!! *goes now to catch up on Conan!*

  5. You're cool! *points determinedly at you*


  7. I WANNA KNOW WHAT CASE CLOSED DVD I SHOULD GET. (i really want behind the scenes. is there a dvd or dvd set that has this?)

    1. Uncle Sporkums

      Uncle Sporkums

      Unfortunately, no.. Which is too bad, as I would've bought the series if they had had any number of decent special features (Behind the scenes, commentary, etc.).

    2. Uncle Sporkums

      Uncle Sporkums

      Unfortunately, no.. Which is too bad, as I would've bought the series if they had had any number of decent special features (Behind the scenes, commentary, etc.).

  8. Seriously XD with: Seriously seriously! What more could we ask for from a Conan Case!? XDD

  10. I asked and i was informed that no one drew conan or shinichi saying AAY! (This was mentioned in Podcast 4 with the conversation of Jumping the Shark) it was so saddening that no one drew it so I DOODLED IT :3 http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y70/Mahotou/Podcast4AyFonzJumpthesharkSHinichi.png I hope everyone gets a kick out of it XDDD
  11. On Conan Podcast 4! ( i had lost my ipod cable so i couldn't charge it for the longest time! XDD

  12. Conan Podcasts (On Number 2...)

    1. CarpetCrawler


      If it were Facebook I would "like" this. Just sayin'.

  13. I posted this comment on facebook but then i realized there a FORUM *signs up and posts appropriately* Just Listened to DCW Podcast Episode 0: CarpetCrawler you have a great mic and weren't too loud(because i can adjust the volume lol). XD I'm excited to listen to the next 17 episodes (but am a little worried by their lengths as my usual attention span is around 20 to 30 minutes and most episodes are 1 hour.) [and i'm listening to the beginning of Episode 1. (just wanna say the L/R split is a good idea but if you had it mixed but one ...persons voice is 'mostly' oneside and the other people are "mostly" on the other side i think it would be much easier to listen to ♥)] (I finished listening to it and your voice was on the right side a bit so i only had the right ear on because your voice was too powerful in comparison to skyechan and southpaw. Is there possibly a way to quik edit that to even out the volume?) I recognized some hosts/guest speakers names [skyechan, Icka M. Chif] You/they may recognize my name (or not...). I was involved and active at the Detective Conan Proboards in 2004 and 2005. I've comeback to Conan after 5 years and its still awesome and makes me giddy as ever. I hope to be able to help in the future as your Wiki is AWESOME but incomplete or even guest speak in a podcast sometime if my mic works ok. (I'm sure its fine tho'.) I miss my friendly Conan chats about ... welllll pretty much anything about conan. XD lets chat sometime 4649!
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