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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by yungching

  1. Imagine asking this question to an ant or any animal really... "I'd like to be a human" LOL xD (I read that in a small voice )
  2. How about now? :mrgreen:
  3. yungching


    Wow! That's cool... Rep stands for reputation, unless I am horribly wrong :-o
  4. Nope, and don't think I will ever try to Do you sleep late?
  5. yungching


    But still, how can you make the pictures? How can you even know the correct distance??? :blink: Anyway I give you 1 rep for that :mrgreen:
  6. You don't like durian :o jk jk You mean chess? Yes! I love playing chess Have you read every Harry Potter book?
  7. yungching


    Awesome!!! :D How do you do that??? :?: :?: :?:
  8. Yes!!! Except for blue cheese Do you like durian?
  9. An outdoor game me and my dad are in interested in (watching but not playing for me ) Letter
  10. ......................... <_<
  11. I've seen many people using \o/... Can anyone explain what it is supposed to mean please?

  12. Are you sure? Your hair looks different. Unless you dyed it, cause if you really were Alice, it would be yellow. Only Alice has yellow hair, and I don't mean being blond, I mean Y-E-L-L-O-W hair. So are you Alice?
  13. Alright, not on your soul, but maybe on your life?
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