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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet

  1. it's fine. XDD

    ~ kinda busy lately? :D

  2. welcome to DCW! \o/

    thanks for the add! <3

    ~ and btw, should you want to reply to our comments, just leave a comment on our profiles. 'kay? ^^

  3. welcome yo DCW! \o/

    thanks for the add! <3

    ~ and btw, should you want to reply to our comments, just leave a comment on our profiles. 'kay? ^^

  4. <333333333 ^^

    ~hmm, yeah. actually, I'm kinda late for that news... XDDDDD

    ~ I'LL WAIT FOR YOU, SIS. :">

  5. "Don't blame people for disappointing you... blame yourself for expecting too much from them." "To a woman, the consciousness of being well-dressed gives a sense of tranquility which religion fails to bestow." "Life offers infinite possible roads. Sometimes your head chooses the route, sometimes your heart. And sometimes, for better or worse, neither head nor heart can resist the stubborn pull of fate."
  6. dear anonymous, FINALLY.. I DID IT! <3333333 ~ me
  7. *knock knock* I'M LOOKING FOR JEEEEAAAANNNN~!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sei-chan! <333333

  9. same here, sis. same here. <33333

  10. my iPod doesn't charge well. T_________T
  11. dear anonymous, you're not missing me. don't fool yourself. I've already told you before that you don't have to call any longer. ~ anonymous.
  12. haha, okay lang. sa pagkakaalala ko kasi, Tuesday tayo nag-usap. hehehe! XD ulyanin na talaga ako. toinks! XD

  13. I did! because our dog bore three puppies! :D
  14. washed my clothes, took care of some kids
  15. kala ko ba Tuesday pa? O_O

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