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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet

  1. You're acting weird too. :|

    I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. ...

  2. I already am. Haven't you noticed? Sheesh... How stupid can you get? -____- You see, I'm telling you these things! Insulting someone, it's absolutely evildoing!

  3. Of course I am. ^^ And I've already learned to accept that fact. Don't try to make me feel better. It's useless...

  4. Since you're nice and I'm a hideous evil, knowing someone like you makes me feel MORE wicked.

  5. And you didn't reply. How awful. =____________=

  6. Well... I'm not happy with you being too nice you know... I have an idea. Let's play "The Good and The Evil"! >:D

    Today, the tables are turned. You'll play as "The Evil", and I'll play otherwise. Call?

  7. You're acting weird today, dear. -__-

  8. Why do you have to be so nice?

  9. And what made you think that I might be thinking of hair right now which I could impossibly think of now that I'm bothered by something? XD

  10. Yeah... Me too. But the only difference is, I don't want people acting like they care about me. Because I really hate it when they do.

  11. What the... Why hair?!! I hate it, RK. >:(

    Am I your boss? XD XD

  12. People always say they're fine.. Sometimes, I wonder if they're still telling the truth. -___-'

  13. You do? :P Can you guess what's on my mind right now? ^_^

  14. Do you really have to ask me that? Just kidding. :D I'm trying harder everyday to keep myself alive. And you?

  15. Really?! I mean... you already thought about that the first time we met? LOL XD

  16. Okay. That's settled. Welcome back btw.

  17. No. I blocked you myself. Just to stop myself from... whatever. You don't mind, do you?

  18. You still there? < Sorry for late rep :| > Oh well, why are you sad then? :'<

    ~I'm kinda sad too.. I'm losing my job twin.

  19. Eeehhhh!! I don't understand it anymore! XD XD I only knew what "Estoy bien" means! Sorry. -___-' Try again. >:D But, I'm really glad that you missed me. ^_^

  20. HEEEYYYY!!! I missed you soooo much my twin! Como estas? ^^,

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