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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet


    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      How fast, exactly? Also, thanks for the birthday wish. :) I'll have it be as good as good can be.

    2. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      I dunno D': also, Kiddo, you seem really different now :P

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief
  2. (late) Welcome to DCW~ \o/
  3. Hiya~ Welcome to DCW~!!! (I tend to welcome newbies in a boring way, but I'm sure the next posters would make up for that )
  4. Dear anonymous, I hope you'll get to read my emails. Or else I'm going to send you a snail mail instead. ~ A
  5. Why, it's true D: I'm loyal to my toothpaste.
  6. Dear anonymous,. I've already told you I wouldn't care whatever you think of me. Why can't you just let it be and move on with your life? And oh, I couldn't care less if you start developing misogyny because of what I've done. This is who I really am, and I wouldn't change my ways just to please you. ~ a fiend
  7. Dear anonymous, I am avoiding you. At least that's what I'm trying to do. And I'm terribly failing. You don't even notice. Should I expect that somehow, you would? ~Me
  8. Loli-chan, I'm really sorry, but RP-ing isn't really my thing. ^^; Though your setting somewhat reminds me of...Edolas. Parallel world XD Good luck with the hosting!! \o/

    1. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Ah that's wasted >__< but okay~~~ hope you'll consider next time! XD

    2. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      We'll see~~~! XD And besides, I don't have much time on my hands right now ^^;

    3. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief
  9. Once there was a girl who, seeing me for the first time, hugged me without even asking. I swear I nearly slapped her :/ I feel like I'm getting used to wearing socks at night when sleeping! D:<
  10. Woah, numerous game consoles~~ I only have PS2 hahaha, but I never really play games anyway. I was looking for DmC or Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy on your list XD Anyway, welcome to DCW! \o/
  11. Hah, I dreamed last night. It was very fortunate that I remembered it =3 I dreamed about having a pet cat which loves taking a bath with me.
  12. Welcome to DCW~~~~~~ \o/
  13. WELCOME TO DCW~~~ Don't be shy, have fun around the forums! And if you always follow the rules, you'll miss out on all the fun Is the one on your sig a work of yours?
  14. Hahahahaha....funny. Funny, AL. Clap, clap. =P
  15. CONIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~ it's already 26th here, so.... HAAAAPPPPYYYYYY HAAAAAAAPPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAYYYYYY~~~~~ \o/\o/ have a good one!!

    1. Conia


      Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you Dorothy \o/

    2. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      Yer welcooooooooooooooooooooooooooome Coooooooooniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ \o/ anyway, how was it? :P

  16. Woah, your school library has manga?! anyway, welcome to DCW! \o/
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