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Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet

  1. that's Shizuma~ isn't she lovely? :P

    I just noticed that you only go online when someone comments on your profile. do you check your profile even without logging in? XD

  2. if there's a love story, I might like it. and...and...I want to see more NaShi moments XD and Chikane's so pretty I can't resist watching some KNM amv's .______. Himeko looks quite boring, tho.

  3. nooooooo DDDDDDDDDD:

    hahaha okay~ im just quite confused on which one I should watch first: strawberry panic or kannazuki no miko :/ whaddaya think?

  4. HAHAHA you still have to wait for another 60 days to do that :P and I'll be doing that before you even do 8D

    i see~ btw, ever heard of Kannazuki no Miko?


  6. and it's a good thing you being Mirajane since im Erza~ MirZa's a great pairing! \m/

  7. was just about to say that :'3

    really, huh~ XD so, what do you now know about her? :D

  8. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES indeed~~~ ^________^ <3

    you're now a fan og Mirajane? XD

  9. ;PPPPP

    why? of course, you would. I'll be here again tomorrow <3

  10. ah~~ I see ^_________^ but im glad you're now talking to us again :)) <3 and yeah, you do have a point XD

    have to leave already. duh .________. bye, Rosie~ <3 see ya ^_________^

  11. it's okay *hugs back* I really thought...I did something wrong.

    anyways, your profile used to hide a lot of things. there were days when I can't see any comments, your friends' list, etc. :/

  12. XD btw, have I done anything wrong? 'cause you unfriend-ed me :/

  13. Rosie~~ <3 how cute! XD

  14. dear anonymous, if you won't allow your guests to wear black for your party, then I'd rather not come. thank you very much for the invitation. and oh, I don't wear dress. ~ me
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