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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet

  1. jealous? lol xP I'll now call you jelly AL \o/

    there's nothing I could talk to you about, so I just read your comments on Rose's profile :/

  2. thanks for the profile view. yay! \o/

  3. so you're stalking me

  4. I don't even know yet how a choco bird looks like! XD describe it :P

  5. dear anonymous, you know perfectly well how selfish I could get. accept that, and you'll stop hurting. I never wanted drama in my life. ~ me
  6. nah, it's okay. and it's cute that comments are shown! :3 it would be easier for me stalk my lover \o/

    oh nooooes DD:

  7. *taps away cookie* dun like cookies :< I want choco chips, though! :D are you still giving away, uh...what's that? choco bird? XD

  8. why are you now letting them show up? :/ our relationship might be revealed! XD

  9. yay! hahaha okay it doesn't seem pervy xP

  10. nuuu DDDDDDDD: I just did ;) better safe than sorry :P

  11. happens to us too (the other being Jean) :<

    what if I don't accept it? ;P

  12. accept it, kiddo! accept it! or you'll regret if for the reeeeeeeeeeeest of your life! im talking about the friend request, btw :P have to go now. bye! see ya! XD

  13. Erza Scarlet


    welcome to DCW, Aline! nice name, btw have fun around! ^^
  14. a veeeeeeeeeeery late welcome xD welcome to DCW!
  15. hey, welcome to DCW! another Pinoy? yay! enjoy and post around!
  16. good :D what have you been busy with, if there's any? :D

  17. Y U DOUBLE POST? >:(((

    kiddo~~~ :DD how have you been? :P

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