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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Everything posted by Erza Scarlet

  1. dear anonymous, congratulations for winning the competition! ~ me
  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Din!! <3333333333333333333 :D

  3. CONGRATULATIONS, Vanessa!! <3333333333333333333 :D

  4. CONGRATULATIONS, Aoko-san!! <3333333333333333333 :D

  5. CONGRATULATIONS, whee-chan~!! <3333333333333333333 *hugs* :D

  6. I changed a lot of things.. XD
  7. "When people like me, they tell me it is in spite of my color. When they dislike me, they point out that it is not because of my color."
  8. my cousin and I played with the webcam
  9. I wonder why it has to rain today.
  10. I hate rainy days. really.
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