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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by ALAKTORN

  1. Guys, what the hell is this about? --Link to raw manga aggregate site removed by mods--
  2. Well, the first picture has lyrics from the song “Porno Graffiti – Saudade”. I don’t know what episode it is, though.
  3. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Conan “The Japanese word 'konnan' (pronounced the same as 'Conan') means 'difficulty' or 'distress.'” Should this really be there? I’m not sure if they sound the same to an English speaker, but as someone studying Japanese I can say there is a quite clear difference in the “nn” pronunciation.
  4. 「領域」って言葉が好きなのかしら、この一族・・・ | I wonder if this family likes the word “territory”…
  5. That’s interesting. But based on what you say, wouldn’t the middle brother’s possibility of being blond be 50/50? 2 are known to be black-haired, so 1/4 means that if the middle brother is black-haired, a 4th imaginary sibling would likely be blond, and if the middle brother is blond… well, he’s blond, so 50/50? I’m not very good at maths but that sounded strange to me. And yeah, I agree there aren’t enough clues, I feel like there are both good points and contradictions to both mother/brother theories. I spoke with my teacher about the -nasai issue, and she just said that it makes you think of an older person, rather than specifically a mother.
  6. This is another point of interest. In her debut episode, Haibara says APTX makes you a 7 years old no matter your original age IIRC, so in the case this child took APTX, how come she looks older than Conan and Haibara? I think it’s said that Shin’ichi is the first the drug was tested on (not sure…), so it’s not like the child could’ve taken it years prior, and so aged a bit after becoming a child, right? Unless whoever made said statement (Gin?) is not aware of the drug being tested on humans before Shin’ichi, but it actually was.
  7. I’ve got something to say about this… When the child used the -nasai conjugation (typical mother behaviour), she was talking alone with Sera, so there would be no reason to “act” to hide something, right? If it turns out that was a red herring, it’d be pretty stupid in my opinion. So if the child is actually her brother, it may be possible that it’s a character trait for him to be using -nasai with his sister (although I’ve never seen that before), and on that note I’ve got a question: can somebody ask the translators if in their interactions so far, the brother has used -nasai conjugations before? Alternatively, if someone told me when their interactions happened, I could go check the raws myself. Tomorrow I might be able to discuss this with my Japanese teacher, she’s also following the manga.
  8. Your theory is really interesting, MeitanteiSonoko. The latest Sherry’s Soliloquy image says that she resembles the mysterious child, could that be a hint to mean they’re related? I’ll be waiting for Chekhov’s rebuttal…
  9. Just read the raw of chapter 878. The “outside territory” kanji are 領域外, make of that what you will. But I wanted to mention something else. The child says 答えなさい (kotaenasai) to Sera, and as far as I know, the -nasai conjugation is something mothers always use when speaking to their child, and I don’t recall any brothers or such ever using it. (Although it could be a father I guess, and teachers in schools also use it to students, but I think that’s irrelevant to the child.)
  10. Could “outside the territory” mean “from abroad”?
  11. あの子、私に似てないかしら? | That child, doesn’t she resemble me? @User 4869: Used “quite” and changed it on the wiki. Edit: Thinking about it some more, I don’t like that wording either. Makes it sound like it’s something Haibara is saying after entering her room, and finding it interesting.
  12. This is not a mistake, but I didn’t know where to post this… Is it relevant that Agasa said he’s 52 years old in episode 129? There’s already a cited Conan Drill page for that age, but maybe it could be added as an extra citation? Edit: also after rewatching the episode I found out Ai Haibara is also a made-up name based on famous female detectives, but that’s not explained on the wiki (while Conan’s is explained).
  13. Why are the raws so far behind? 877 still isn’t out in Japanese… I so badly want to read the chapters, but I don’t know Chinese. ._.
  14. Does anyone think they can reword this to make it something like “Sera-chan’s bedroom is of great interest…”? Basically removing the subject, but actually making it sound decent, that one doesn’t sound decent to me. I just read in a game the word I’m translating as “interesting” translated as “curious”, so maybe that could be used instead if it sounds better.
  15. Actually they’re both from ch.876. The “I’d really like to talk about the Red Woman incident with you guys…” on page 4 I think should’ve been “I wanted to talk about it directly (with my brother (so that’s why the appointment))”, and the “or I might fall for you!” on page 12 I think should’ve been “I’m really curious!”. I might have some backing on the first line on the fact that they don’t seem to talk about that case between each other at all, rather chatting about love interests. But yeah, nothing important.
  16. Does anybody know if something changed for the English translation team recently? Not that I ever checked before, but I think they mistranslated 2 lines in recent chapters (one in 876). Nothing major though.
  17. 興味深いわね、世良ちゃんの寝室・・・ | I’m really interested in Sera-chan’s bedroom… I’m not really sure about the translation but oh well
  18. 世良ちゃんのお人形さんみたいね・・・ | She looks like a doll of Sera-chan… who was the smart guy adding a translation made by Google?
  19. だと思ったわよ、ふんっ! | That’s what I thought, humph!
  20. 由美さん楽しそう・・・ | Yumi-san seems to be having fun…
  21. should we be surprised that DC runs on real-world time? they say it’s August 14th in the latest chapter, lol edit: I forgot to consider the fact that he placed the flowers there after the murder as per Chekhov’s deduction while reading, but I don’t feel like reading it again with that in mind… oh, and about Satō/Takagi:
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