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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by ALAKTORN

  1. ラーメン食べたくなっちゃうじゃない! | Makes me want to eat ramen! No idea what makes her want to eat ramen because I haven’t read the manga so I left that out.
  2. ないわ、ないない! | No, no way!
  3. がーん!! | *shock* The formatting on the wiki is weird. Does anyone know how to fix it?
  4. ホームズの真似をするから感じ悪いのよ・・・ | I’m feeling bad because he’s imitating Holmes… Don’t know what it’s about so idk for sure. This isn’t a new one btw. Pending issues: “Just noticed that it goes 722 -> 724 -> 725 -> 725 (under 2010). Anyone want to figure out what’s up with that?” “ 勘ちゃん隠れて待つのが好きなのね・・・ Kan-chan really likes to hide and wait… Someone else translated this. I didn’t translate it at first because if you notice, the kanji used for “Kan” is wrong, so I was wondering what was up with that and wanted to read the chapter first before translating it. Finally reading again and found out that kanji is Yamamoto Kansuke’s, the Sengoku era samurai. Should there be a note or something in the translation?”
  5. Cross-posting from DCTP. It’s not “gun”, it’s “*shock*”. Ga–––n is onomatopoeia for shock. I think the first one means that Gōshō is back in good health and has returned. The other 2 are about the next case being one of a big love relationship. Sounds like it could be about main characters.
  6. ^I think that rather than “best place” it’s about how often school trips are done there.
  7. You can see them because you visited the site the images are hosted on directly before. If you just link them here nobody will be able to see them unless they first go to the site directly and view (download) the images from there. Many websites don’t allow linking to their images because it’s a burden on their bandwidth. To display images, browsers first download them, and the next time that same link appears again they don’t download the image again– they just load it from your PC. It’s called cache. That’s how you’re able to see the images but not us. If you delete your cache, you won’t be able to see them from your post either.
  8. ^The images aren’t loading for me.
  9. Just thought I’d let you know that linking the website’s page won’t work. That’ll just show the newest image, not the one you mentioned in your post above. Current one is something about impersonating Holmes, and that looking weird. I’ll do a proper translation eventually unless someone else does…
  10. I remember reading in an interview that Aoyama only draws the main characters.
  11. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sherry's_soliloquy Just noticed that it goes 722 -> 724 -> 725 -> 725 (under 2010). Anyone want to figure out what’s up with that?
  12. 園子ちゃん男前ね❤ | Sonoko-chan is manly.❤ I’m not 100% sure about the translation, but it should be right.
  13. Can someone tell me where English translations are? I haven’t been able to read this manga in a long time.
  14. I don’t think the .5 numbering is that straightforward. Different row color would be good.
  15. Right. The current translation is correct, then: Q77: What types of women do Shuuichi Akai and Tooru Amuro like? Let's see... Akai would like someone who can have a controlling aura without saying a word. And Amuro would like someone who doesn't mind him talking all the time.
  16. So what’s the raw for Q77? Do you have a pic?
  17. Are you sure you’re talking about http://blog-imgs-73-origin.fc2.com/s/k/y/sky969blue6261/fc2_2015-04-10_00-38-53-324.jpg? I don’t understand what サイロク means but what comes after says “is/has old drawing(s) so it’s embarrassing”.
  18. I’m not sure where you got that from, I’m not seeing it.
  19. Oh my god why did I post this here? I was looking at the soliloquy thread and didn’t understand why the latest one wasn’t posted, when I was sure I did.
  20. Can you give me a link or something?
  21. The “look forward to it” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gonna happen soon. But it could.
  22. Where are you getting raw images?
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